"With each passing second, we lose part of ourselves that we will never get back"
The above quote just popped in my head while writing the title and I bet someone has already said it before. Some wise dude I guess. For real, even the not so smart person knows the importance of time, it's either he ignores it or gets himself "busy". Now imagine that is what really happens when each second passes, I mean imagine that you actually lose a part of yourself when a second or minute passes, that'd be scary as hell but at the same time, I can't help thinking that it'd serve as a reminder for us on how important time is, I mean seeing your ear dissolve into nothingness or seeing your once pointed nose turn into a brick isn't such a good reminder huh? When you say RIP to your ear, you are sure to say RIP to the unproductive thing you're doing right now since you know the reason why you had to say RIP to it, you would want to make good use of what killed it so that when it is no more, you'll consider it a draw and be like, "time used my ear for lunch, but at least I cheated it by making good use of it."
When you really think it through, you know that this isn't far away from the truth although in a less literal sense. You don't suddenly lose body parts when you procrastinate, you lose time that you can never get back. In earth, time is a factor that has and will always be there. We're beings that exist within the realm of time. Don't you watch all those sci-fi movies that show scenes of when time stops and all of a sudden, every other thing stops moving and when it gets back flowing, everything returns to normal? Infact I take back my word, time does take away parts of us in a literal sense too, I mean when you see a 100 year old grandma, you don't need anyone to tell you that she's shed some body parts: teeth, youth, maybe a little hair here and there, a stooping posture, now I don't even want to talk about the health complications she might be facing as a result of malfunctioning organs. Yet, we know that not all of us are destined to reach a hundred years old. If old age were a criterion for dying, then maybe a newborn can be a day old and 100 years old at the same time. When you know in your mind that you can become a dead duck at the very moment you're reading this, and that birthday celebrations aren't only a year old but a year closer to being six - feet deep, you've at least understand the meaning of life and the meaning of time.
I won't go on telling you to make good use of your time because that's something we already know, as I said in the first paragraph, every adult knows how important time is, and I assume the person reading this is an adult already. I can only remind us of its importance since human brains seem not to like reality at all.
In my Holy Book , God swore by time(Al-Asr) . Now we know that for those who believe in a God, we swear or take oaths in the name of God. God swears using his creations and for Him to swear by time, I don't think there's anything else left to say about its importance and significance. Even the Creator of the universe acknowledges it, a Being that isn't defined by time. Who then are you not to respect and acknowledge its importance, you, a being confined within its dimension. A person who doesn't value time doesn't value his existence, and he who doesn't value his existence hasn't lived at all.
Dear readers, I am going to stop here, but before I go, I am still going to remind us all. We're time. That's something we should never forget. It's more like we're servants of time because we're always in the position to obey it and not rebel against it. It has been there long before you were born and will remain long after you go, why not make maximum use of it while you're still existing?
Thanks for reading.
This post was originally published on my
readcash account and I thought it was really worth sharing.