in #deutsch2 years ago

A very cool community request was made again - Koruvus, the mutated goblin! Once a Goblin Hero from the Seven Tooth Tribe, he now became a monstrous creature, corrupted by the cruelty of Lamashtu’s whims, which orders he follows slavishly.

I will take the references and make my own interpretation of the goblin, fitting to the already existing ones. This will be a cool one!

If you have a mini request, share your thoughts.

(Images from Pathfinder - A gamemastery advernture path)


Ein sehr cooler Community-Wunsch wurde erneut geäußert - Koruvus, der mutierte Goblin! Einst ein Goblin-Held vom Stamm der Siebenzähne, wurde er nun zu einer monströsen Kreatur, verdorben durch die Grausamkeit von Lamashtus Launen, deren Befehlen er sklavisch folgt.

Ich werde die Referenzen nehmen und meine eigene Interpretation des Goblins machen, die zu den bereits existierenden passt. Das wird eine coole Sache werden!

Wenn ihr einen Mini-Wunsch habt, teilt eure Gedanken mit.

(Bilder aus Pathfinder - A gamemastery advernture path)


A very cool community request was made again - Koruvus, the mutated goblin! Once a Goblin Hero from the Seven Tooth Tribe, he now became a monstrous creature, corrupted by the cruelty of Lamashtu’s whims, which orders he follows slavishly.

I will take the references and make my own interpretation of the goblin, fitting to the already existing ones. This will be a cool one!

If you have a mini request, share your thoughts.

(Images from Pathfinder - A gamemastery advernture path)



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