Quince & Beer? In this can they are put together perfectly

in #hive-1877198 months ago

"In hops we believe"
Dogma brawery


Since discovering the C/Beer community and the #BeerSaturday contest on Hive, the part of my brain that controls the taste zones in the mouth where beer flavors are analyzed has been reactivated 😀

So, day by day, instead of the industrial beers that I used to drink often, I explore the new world of craft beers.

Reading your announcement @detlev for this 346 week Beer challenge, I laughed at the suggestion and idea:

This is your chance to blog about beer, earn tokens, and why not use them to buy another beer for the next challenge.

😀 self-renewable income for the purchase of beer 😀
I'm asking the community: if you notice that I'm posting daily about beer, it's clear, I'm raising money for a new round of beer 🙂
Warn me not to get drunk all the time...

It's not just about drinking beer, I also started to be interested in the history of craft breweries in my area, to look for recommendations on the Internet where you can drink good craft beer, in which bar I can see the complete process of brewing beer...

And so, I found out Dogma Brewery.
Located in an old sugar factory in Belgrade, it will be first on the list of tours when the weather gets a little warmer so that I can sit in the garden and enjoy the refreshing taste of the beer brewed in the Dogma brewery.

I will make a post about that brewery when I visit it, because what I read on the internet promises an interesting tour and beer tour.

Prompted by a newspaper article about Dogma Brewery, I looked for their beer in stores.
It's not a small brewery...
It started brewing beer in 2016 and has brewed a total of 105 types of beer to date, and the current monthly production is 68,000 liters.

Part of that production, which they cannot consume in the beer hall next to the brewery, is bottled (packaged and in cans) and offered for free sale.

Luckily, I found Dogma beer at the grocery store.

I wasn't sure which one to choose, and since Miss Guince Ale was the most interesting to me, I picked up a few cans..

Miss quince ale is a Pale Ale with quince, with 5.5% alcohol.


Cloudy, unfiltered, unpasteurized beer, with a refreshing taste, with a slight taste of quince.


This is a unique beer on the Serbian beer scene, a light pale ale, which is further aromatically enhanced by the addition of fresh quince in the cooking and swirl.






In this way, a beer with a light body, a pleasant aroma and a balanced taste was obtained.
Pale ale style
Serving temperature 8 °C




remember me lara croft from tom raider very cool art

This one is a redhead, she didn't look like Lara to me 🙂

I plan to go to the Dogma brewery soon, I have a few recommendations. I believe that the atmosphere in the brewery is also interesting, as well as these pictures on the labels.

Definitivno preporučujem da posetiš Dogmu što pre. Videćeš da je ukus točenih piva mnogo bolji od njihovih konzerviranih proizvoda, koji su, da budem iskren - vrhunski :)
Preporuka da svakako probaš njihov Hoptopod koji je po mom skromnom mišljenju svetski i daleko ispred nekih mnogo poznatijih i skupljih IPA poznatih pivara. Ja volim da veče završim odličnim stoutom Crna Krava koji je takođe neverovatno ukusan i kvalitetan. Toliko ukusan i popularan da ga sve ređe imaju točenog jer se brzo popije. Hrana im je sasvim ok, jer svi znamo da pivo bez burgera i kobasica neće moći ;)
Ja sam tamo bar dvaput mesečno sa ekipom. To nam je postala tradicija koju ne nameravamo da menjamo.



Hvala na preporuci.
Nisam do sada bio fan craft piva, ali ću izgleda postati 😀
Gledao sam, ili ovo sa dunjom ili Hoptopod, izabrao dunju.
Dok ne odem do pivnice, probaću konzervu.

What I like most about this beer is the graphics on the can 😬 🍻🍻

Really interesting label 🙂
But the taste of the beer is also fantastic.