"Lock X Up!", "We need an investigation", "It is a scam lock up the corrupt judges", "Investigate the J6 committee"... So you support the con?

in #hive-122315last year

If you have been remotely paying attention you've seen many investigations, you've seen promises of investigations, you've seen promises to release evidence, you've seen evidence released and nothing happen, etc. Yet every time something blatantly wrong occurs we see the same "Corruption! Lock them up!", "There needs to be an investigation", etc.

Exactly whom do you think is going to be doing the physical locking up of someone?

Exactly whom do you think is going to be doing the investigation?

Exactly whom do you think is going to do something with the results of those investigations?


In most cases the answer should be the Department of Justice. Yet it should be very apparent by now that the DOJ is extremely compromised and corrupt.

So why do you keep expecting them to do the right thing?

You are sure you know what needs to be done, yet somehow you keep thinking these are the people to do it.


We get another politician on "our side" telling us they are going to investigate, push for new bills, and release evidence. What makes it different this time? I'm pretty sure all of these things have been done numerous times already.

I didn't see any accountability did you?

Let's say you are part of the "Trump Won" and "Kari Lake Won" crowds which to be honest I consider myself part of that crowd.

I have some sad news for all of you and myself. They did not win. The operative words missing is "should have" placed before the word won.

"X should have won."

Why do I phrase it this way?

They didn't get to exercise the power. They got to protest, demand investigations, talk about evidence that should be pretty clear to most people. Yet they don't get any of the power. I call that losing.

Now I personally consider this loss actually the result of criminal activity. I think it is very obvious.

Yet if the criminals not only are not held accountable but they are given the reigns of power then I'd say the criminal won.

Trump did not win, he should have won. Kari Lake did not win, she should have won.

Do you still think the Department of Justice or your elected officials are going to do anything about it? We are closing on four years and to me it looks like all of the criminals not only are free, but they are still holding the reigns of power. They are pushing their tyrannical authority.

We've been conditioned to be happy when someone we "trust" says they will do something. We should be asking ourselves what they can actually do? We should ask ourselves whom would have to enforce the results of any investigations, bills, etc. If we are convinced the apparatus that actually does this enforcement is also controlled by criminals then how do we expect the elected officials to do anything?

Black pilled much?

Now mainly I like many other know what it would likely take at this time. It is not pretty. The problem is I know one person stepping up and doing what needs to be done would be used as an excuse for more tyranny and the message would be spun to be something to keep people in line. They wouldn't likely be a martyr. There are only a few people that could potentially pull off martyrdom status in our society at the moment of any meaningful amount. Trump is one of those and might be one reason he is still breathing.

Furthermore, any action we take if done by one or two people would potentially lead to martyrdom status in the other direction. To do what would be needed would require the action of a lot of people that have nothing to do with the DOJ or the Federal Government.

Yet that is how our technology has enslaved and trapped us.

We can rapidly communicate anywhere on the planet. Those communications can be scraped, captured, and pattern analyzed.

Any seed of a chance to do something about this will likely be destroyed in its early stage and we may not hear anything about it. It also may be infiltrated by corrupt elements and steered to doing something contrary to a positive movement so it can be used as fuel to hand the tyrants more power and excuses. (e.g. the group that allegedly wanted to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer).

If you've done your research you know the bulk of what happened on J6 that they are spinning as negative was orchestrated by such operatives.

What do we do?

I don't know. I say act locally, move to a better state if you can, and be vigilant. I also say we need to quit putting our hope in people and positions of authority in the federal government that clearly cannot do anything but put on shows that they hope keep us from actually doing something.

If we say "lock X up", "investigate X", "create law to stop X" the criminals with the actual power are happy. That means we will keep falling for the show and not actually doing anything that stops them from exercising that power.



To those of you that think your state should secede from the Union. I understand why. I don't think it would work. I do think there is something that might work though. If states that would be interested in Seceding instead formed a new nation with the member states being all of those states that want to secede. Then at least it wouldn't be a single state. It also would leave people with options.


What do we do?

I don't know. I say act locally, move to a better state if you can, and be vigilant. I also say we need to quit putting our hope in people and positions of authority in the federal government that clearly cannot do anything but put on shows that they hope keep us from actually doing something.

They are hoping to keep us from participating in order to keep us from doing something something? Is that what Kari Lake was hoping? Is that what Trump was hoping? Is that what those nameless "they" were hoping? Maybe it's just me but it seems you want people to give up on the national political process, because they have been cheated, which only helps the cheaters by giving up without a fight, and it also plays in the hands of the ones who would do away with national politics in exchange for globalist neofeudalism.