So you really like the idea of Government provided healthcare do you?

in #hive-1223153 years ago

I was going to add this onto my other article from today published before this one. However, this is a spin off and focusing on a different but interrelated thing. Health Care, Health Insurance, Universal Health Care, etc.

Do you understand what Universal Health Care actually is?

It is centralization. It creates a single avenue through which health care can flow. It is spun as providing health care to everyone. Yet that is exactly what it is SPIN. It is all in the framing. They use the concept of "compassion", and "fairness" to make it seem like what they are proposing addresses those things.

It doesn't.

The argument can be that health care is too expensive. Let's make universal health care that is inexpensive.

In the United States they even dressed this up in a nice bow (label if you prefer) named "Affordable Healthcare Act". Everyone wants affordable healthcare right? Yet who decides what is affordable?

If you supported this act also referred to as Obamacare then you were steered by emotional manipulation away from some very important things.

Those that wrote this bill which was 2000+ pages in length were primarily the health insurance companies themselves. They were also writing a bill that gave them guaranteed and government mandated clients. As with anything guaranteed by the government (e.g. student loans) it offers an avenue to facilitate rapid price gouging because the guarantee removes the need to compete and court their clients.


At that point they only have one client they need to court. The federal government. Yet they wrote the rules the government is using.

Anyone that was truly paying attention likely notices the price of insurance skyrocketed after the passage of this bill. Some people will say "I have health insurance and I didn't before". Yet they could still receive healthcare before.

They can say the fact people now have it that didn't before justifies essentially massive theft from other people. Monthly insurance premiums for a family can easily be more than a mortgage payment, or rent payment. In fact initially they were so high that I had to stop being insured for awhile after the passage of this bill. You see I actually had been paying for insurance for years. I suddenly could no longer afford it AFTER this was passed.

I do have insurance today but it is VASTLY different from the quality of insurance before the passing of this bill.

I now have co-pays and I also have an 80/20 type situation where the insurance covers 80% and I have to pay 20%. Keep in mind I am already paying a pretty hefty monthly premium. So I am basically subscribing to an expensive monthly service that will pay 80% of the bill. I do have a maximum out of pocket that is around $5000 per year for my family (only my wife and I are covered) after which the insurance will cover the rest. Essentially the only reason I have it is for the event of some dreadfully expensive event.

You can get service without such things.

Now let's consider this wonderful 80/20 and the government guarantee, as well as the centralization of everything.

In the previous post I just finished I wrote about Baricitinib which in India can an entire course of treatment will cost you $5.50. The same drug offered by Eli Lily in the United States costs $2,326.00!!

Now consider that 80/20 because I'm lucky and I have insurance that the affordable healthcare act made possible...

What is 20% of $2326.00? If you guessed $465.20 you would be correct...

So on top of my insurance premium I still have to pay $465.20 for something that costs less than $10 in other countries.


Because they can...

The process was centralized. They removed the concept of competition. It becomes a collusion and merging of government and corporation.

Oh and just in case you don't truly know the meaning of the word. There is a word that defines and describes this situation exactly.


This is what Antifa supposedly is fighting against but all evidence has made me see them more like a thug group that is launched, manipulated, and aimed by the very fascists they claim to be against.

We should not be demanding the government grant us anything universal that they are the gate keepers of...

This way leads to centralization, authoritarianism, fascism, corruption, tyranny, and oppression...

They control the media though and they are employing decades of intense psychological studies to control our minds and manipulating us into thinking supporting such things is a good idea. It is not.

It is them using actual mind control via psychological methods to get us to fasten our own proverbial shackles while thinking good things are being done FOR US.

They are not...

We want decentralization. We want the central agency out of the way. If you need health care you should be free to seek it. It should be voluntary and between you and whomever you choose to get your healthcare from. That provider should be free to negotiate whatever price they want to offer it to you for.

Do you truly think every doctor would charge you $2,326 for this product if they had a choice to mark it up for whatever they wanted and they had to compete for your business?

I suspect you'd find people willing to give it to you for very near the price it is in India.

The centralization of power has made it so healthcare providers in the United States cannot do this. Even if they want to. They cannot. Their careers will be destroyed and they will not be ALLOWED to offer you services if they do anything to jeopardize the graft and corruption facilitated by this centralization and guarantee.

Universal ANYTHING provided by the government is a VERY bad thing. It is always danced out in emotionally appealing an manipulative fashion. Anyone that questions will be called heartless, compassionless, etc. Using shame, fear, and ostracization to silence any dissent. Yet in reality it is the universal thing that is heartless, compassionless, etc. They simply use psychological manipulation to make you think anyone challenging a topic is guilty of the things that the thing be challenged is actually guilty of.

Competition for service is good.

Voluntary contracts where people can offer services for what they WANT to offer them is a good thing. If competition is there they most likely won't gouge you because then someone else who does not will get all of the business.

Are there anecdotal cases where gouging can occur? Yes. Yet they are not the norm. Nothing is perfect. They typically only appear when the geographical region has no competitor at the moment. There will be a window where unscrupulous people that are more concerned with maximizing profit can do so. Yet there is a window there for a competitor to move in and steal their clientele. It is in the window between when there is no competitor and when competition that arrives that these anecdotes are plucked.

We can point out greedy corporations and such but those things only exist due to centralization and the government blocking some, and smoothing the passage for others. This is known as cronyism. It is something that occurs within governments regardless of the type of government.

Do me a favor please... Stop being so quick to support universal anything from the government?

It is virtually guaranteed to be a very bad thing and regardless of the verbal clothing they dress it in it is likely to make the very negatives they choose to point out much worse after it is implemented. Though they will likely try to spin it and make it seem like it isn't worse.

The government can't give anyone anything free. They produce no product.

They can only steal via taxes, inflation, or overt methods to pay for anything. They also end up being highly bureaucratic and wasteful so the funds they do spend are spent incredibly inefficiently.


We are given the false dichotomy of corporate fascism versus government monopoly, and told the people who lie to get elected, impose onerous burdens on us, and created the very corporate cartel systems we face now should be in charge of our medicine and must be accepted as a humane and rational solution.

Well said.

also consider the evidence presented by years of centrally controlled medical services like the NIH or VA

I am walking dead b/c the VA ignored first a pain issue for a year, and then slow walked diagnostics after a tumor became obvious

meet mr quasimodo


They would probably try to spin that somehow as a success story. It's pretty sick. You have my prayers in the form they exist headed your way.

i accept them in all forms of currency, as i am a bit different mindset re religion myself