Attorney Thomas Renz has issued a legal notice that reports a 1000% increase in injuries and diseases in military personnel following the taking of these so-called "vaccines". If you missed that there are ten times as many military personnel experiencing injuries and disease after they take the vaccine.
Keep in mind these are people that have been coerced in many cases into taking these vaccines. They have been told they must take them or be dishonorably discharged, or court martialed. This is coercion. It is a form of force. It basically someone saying:
"Do what we say or we're going to do bad things to you".
Here is that special notice that was released.
I linked to it in the above text link so you could visit the attorney's actual release and offer your support if you choose to do so. It does have a GiveSendGo button on that page.
Take this document, print it out, make copies and distribute it to as many people as you can. We will put EVERY elected official and person involved in Covid-19 on notice!
Based upon their request to share the information I will go ahead and do so. If you wish to support their efforts please follow the link to special notice. This document is 193 pages long!!! I am going to put some of the initial pages here. Here is a link to the complete 193 pages.
I am going to stop here. If I had an easy way I would have put the entire thing on the blockchain to store it somewhere that is resistant to censorship.
EDIT: I decided I'd link relevant/related news stories as I encounter them simply so this post acts like mine often do. It acts as an aggregation of sorts.
CDC data shows deaths of millennials SURGED by 84% after COVID-19 vaccine mandate
'Overwhelming' Need To Investigate COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus: Researchers