What does "White Nationalist" mean to you?

in #hive-1223153 years ago

When I see the phrase "white nationalist" these days I see two different ways that can be interpreted. It is a very important distinction because they can mean very different things. One of them is ultimately disparaging and designed to make people see it as a horrible rise of a new Hitler moment. The other if it is used in a negative or derogatory statement actually turns the person using it that way into the racist. Yet they are trying to paint the "white nationalist" as the racist.


Why is knowing the definition a person is using with this label so important?

Let's consider the two interpretations that I think of with this...

Bad Guy / Racist / Xenophobe

One of the interpretations is to spin a "white nationalist" as a rise of Hitler and Neo-Nazi situation. The people that choose this interpretation are basically stating that a white nationalist is seeking a nation where only white people are allowed to exist, have power, have control, etc. A nation where white people are the masters.

The proper label for this would be White Supremacist.

As someone who has white skin through no choice of my own I would despise such a nation, or movement. I haven't actually seen evidence for this to be the state of things in the United States for a very long time. Since way before I was born in 1970. In fact in the last decade or more it has been being pushed to a nation that seems to want to make people that are not white the masters, and the white people as the slaves, serfs, or perhaps just exterminated. This is the same thing simply with a different outfit. It is equally evil and disgusting.

Now let's consider the other interpretation.

A person with white skin who focuses on their country first

I actually would fit this definition myself. I have white skin. I think we should take care of our own nation first before we run off to try to help other people in their nation. This makes me a white nationalist because my skin is white, and I think each person should focus on fixing their own country first. That last bit makes me a nationalist.

If I lived in Germany. I'd still be a white nationalist as I'd want to fix Germany first. If I lived in South Africa, Zimbabwe, or some other country that white was a minority I'd still be a white nationalist because I would have white skin but think I needed to fix my own country first.

I don't consider this form of white nationalism as a bad thing. I don't consider this form of black nationalism a bad thing.

The problem here is that the word WHITE shouldn't even matter.

You see I am simply just a Nationalist.

It doesn't have anything to do with my skin color because I don't think skin color should be a factor in how people are treated.

In fact I see the focus on deciding things based upon skin color as racism. The biggest racists today actually are those who claim to be fighting racism by focusing on making skin color what everyone should be making decisions based upon.

I don't care about your skin color. In fact, I wouldn't write about it or talk about it if so many in my face racist things were not occurring on a regular basis.

I hear about systemic racism. Yet the statistics shown to PROVE that are more accurately defined as a cultural issue not a race/skin color. People who embrace certain cultural moirés explain the statistics better and you'll find that when you look at culture. It explains why white people embracing the same culture as black people who embrace certain cultures are just as likely to experience the same things. To simplify. If your culture idolizes and elevates thugs as heroes then it is only natural that people of that culture would have more negative interactions with law enforcement regardless of skin color. This also explains why there are black people who say "I never experienced the racism people are talking about". They were black but they were not part of the thug culture and neither was their neighborhood. I have met plenty of white people who live in neighborhoods that embrace thug culture and they have the same problems that Black Lives Matter is constantly being amplified as pointing out happening to black people. It ISN'T about skin color. It is about people choosing to embrace toxic aspects of culture.

As I've stated before you can change your culture. You can't change you skin color. If your culture practices human sacrifice, or cannibalism you can choose to remove those things from the culture while perhaps retaining music, art, work ethic, etc. Cultures are not all bad. I think all of them have some good things about them. The nice thing is YOU as a human can build your own culture by cobbling together how you want to act from the positive cultural things you see. These days the racists will try to stop you from doing that. They will accuse you of cultural appropriation as though somehow their skin color made them owners of an idea, a food, a way to dress, etc. The fact they think they own such things is the racism. You see it isn't about cultural appropriation at all. It is actually a positive. It is cultural appreciation. I don't know how any of these people think they can get the world to treat them what they see as better if the rest of the world is not allowed to share their culture with them... Answer: They can't. It is stupid. It is propagandists playing upon ignorance fostered by a dumbed down educational system.

The thug culture that is having issues with law enforcement would actually fit the "Cultural Appropriation" B.S. label if it were a real thing. If you listen to Thomas Sowell at all he explains how that culture actually came from Irish neighborhoods. It did not begin with black people. I suspect the Irish also learned it from somewhere else.

We also have cultural world wide icons that tend to foster some aspects of this culture. Consider how we admire Robinhood... Rob from the rich to give to the poor. What if the rich person you robbed actually treats the poor well and helps them? What if the rich person is able to use their wealth in ways that are only possible with that wealth and that result in positive things for everyone? If you rob from people regardless of who they are it is actually a negative. Yet we have spun Robinhood into a dashing and great hero. I too like these tales a lot.

Ultimately it comes down to this: WORDS MATTER

Casually throwing around words and redefining positives into negatives is a common technique in Cultural Marxism. It is not exclusive to that technique but that is one place that has been using it with great success for probably a half century or more now in the U.S.

It has muddied up the minds of people. It has made it so positive things cannot be spoken about as they will most likely be stained by the negative interpretation that has been repeatedly used by the propagandists.

When we allow them to redefine words and we accept their new definition we lose a battle. We lose territory. They have blocked away areas of your mind. They have placed mental landmines which you dare not walk past for fear of them blowing up in your face. Perhaps you'll be cancelled, fired, attacked, called stupid, labeled a denier, labeled a conspiracy theorist, labeled a blasphemer, labeled a heretic, labeled an infidel, labeled an apostate, labeled a racist, labeled a homophobe, labeled a sexist, labeled a Satanist, labeled a devil worshipper, labeled a troll, etc.

The labels are the verbal grenades designed to shut you down and silence you. They are also designed like a negative mental pheromone so that others will instinctually try to distance themselves from the target and not interact with them.

This is all conditioning.

You need to break that conditioning and take control of the mental territory that has been lost via all these wars for words. Your mind should be your own. It should not be under the control of anyone but YOU.

You shouldn't be so easy to be manipulated.

If you are a Nationalist that ultimately is not a bad thing. It does not mean the same thing as Supremacist.

Your skin color should not matter.

You also shouldn't get special treatment for it.

When you see special treatment for skin color then realize that is racism.


words don't matter. FEELINGS matter, according to the woke.

I think the direction society is going is proving their hypothesis incorrect.

That's a pretty good understatement. I'd say that they're bat shit crazy.


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Words matter, yet you use the word "nation" wrong, hmm? It comes from the root "natal," like of your birth. When I think of nation, I think of the oldest meaning of the word, which is used in the context of the "Sioux Nation," like the native American tribe.

Thus in the end, the true root of the word nation refers to bloodlines.
Nonetheless, all bloodlines do indeed trace back to a single source. But also nonetheless, nation does not mean state, territory, or government.

The people are the nation. Thus the people of your nation will be directly traced back through your bloodline, and of your ancestors' bloodline, until the branches of the tree of life come together in the trunk of this tree.

When you use the wrong meaning for the word nation, you end up doing what you said: Minorities begin to try to influence the majorities in ways that are detrimental to the majorities and favorable to the minorities. Will this truly lead to a better world?

If the word is corrupted, that corruption will not cease until the meaning of the word itself is corrected.

Good point. Yet you know as well as I that the people that have been using Nation as a word for a long time did refer to their country. Nation State is the proper way to use it but these days like people drop words other place they have dropped State. Does that make it right no...

But I stand by my two definitions there. We can break down many words even to the Latin or other language derivation and many of them will change.

The problem here is that they are using "White Nationalist" as though it is a synonym for "White Supremacist" and it is not.

EDIT: Also your reply is exactly what people need to do. Push back on the hijacking of words. Though if it is used a way for a hundred plus years we're probably stuck with it. These days there are a plethora of freshly hijacked words. We can say "No" and stop them before they stick around for a hundred years and erase the memory of the original.

Yeah, supremacy is the state of all existing life. The tip of every branch of evolutionary life is the supreme flower that blossoms forth. But I'm just being poetic and striving to avoid labeling anyone as weak. We should not strive for equality, I mean, but we should indeed all strive to be supreme and glorious.

But on a societal and state level, I do indeed agree with most of what you have written. The details are yours to own, so no worries.

"To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

The objective is to destroy nationalism so that those countries and their history can be erased. We are seeing it happen in real time and it's unbelievable, especially in the information age. Add the term "White" and now you're talking about the acceptance to genocide of a lot of people.

I live in very homogenized Japan. It's safe, clean, respectful, fun, orderly, to name a few positives. I don't want Japan to change, but the NGOs, media, etc. are trying their damnedest to destroy all of that. Does that make me a White Japanese Nationalist???

To me a couple other translations for Nationalist might be...

"Critical Thinker"