My contribution on my strange traits, acquired habits, habits I dislike in other people, spell I wish I wish I could cast on someone & a habit I dropped.

in #hive-1688693 years ago


Well, as much as I keep improving myself on a daily basis, there are still some characters of mine that always hang around by default, sometimes they come in handy as a blessing and some other times, not so much. Alright, let me tell you all in detail, and I hope you don't laugh at me much🙂. I do have this habit that people say is quite strange, which is that I don't laugh and that It makes me look not scary but rather official. However I don't see it that way, because in my mind I'm filled with smiles, but on the outside, my face is just set in an official mode. Since I have been getting that remark for a couple of years it actually affects the way I dress and present myself. Now I know you must be asking how that has worked out for me so far, well…. I would say has helped aced my professional life up a lot, on my recreational side not so much.

Writing on my quirks, I have got quite a couple, I seem to appear younger than my age physically, this warrants me to carry an ID with me most of the time haha. I must confess, it does get annoying sometimes. There was a particular time I followed my friend to go see a soccer match at a betting house, the official age for entrance is 18 and above. So when we got there, my friend got in without any issues and when I was about to step in, the guard at the entrance had to intercept me. In he's words `` didn't you read the notice on the entrance door outside?" I was furious because I saw the notice that clearly stated you had to be 18 and above in order to get in. So, I kept my cool and said to him, I am over 18years of age but the young man wasn't buying any of that haha.. I had to call to the attention of my friend who was already on his way to the main hall. To cut the long story short, I couldn't get in, because I didn't have an ID with me and even my alibi couldn't convince the guard.


Now about what people consider strange about me; I think the fact that I am mostly quiet sends a wrong signal to people haha. I personally enjoy talking less and listening more, and to most people it makes them feel uncomfortable. If I were to acquire a habit overnight I think it would be the ability to remember everything that I am supposed to do when I am supposed to, I would really love this habit because it would aid my daily productivity and make me more efficient towards time management.

Writing about the stuff people do that irritates me; Just by thinking about it, I am getting annoyed haha. I really dislike it, when grown folks don't organize themselves well, I dislike it when people try to act smart when they clearly know that everyone else knows what exactly they are doing, it annoys me when someone doesn't make his or her bed in the morning, actually in my book of character conduct that leaves in my head, "anyone who doesn't make his or her bed in the morning, is extremely disorganized". There are quite some others but let me tell you about some strange habits I enjoy in people. I enjoy people who still keep their childhood side of them intact, once in a while they can easily be that 7year old person who used to enjoy cartoons, some funny songs etc. I feel they are easy to relate with and generally happy. I like dark humor, so I obviously like people who don't get easily irritated and can have a good laugh without interpreting it otherwise.

If I could cast a strange spell on anyone, I would definitely choose my brother and sister. Haha if any of them sees this, they would be pissed, anyways I would cast a spell on them to always smile whenever they're going to have to team together to get something done because they always spend up to 20min arguing on how stuff should be done or who's method would produce the best results. So ya, the spell will have to make them smile at each other and then work without noise.


Finally, the personality I took off my life completely was procrastination. I really used to procrastinate allot and it was really affecting my education, career, workout lifestyle etc. This change came about when I really needed to upgrade my carrier portfolio and lifestyle. I had to tell myself to do better, and adjust a lot in several things I did.

I was able to stop procrastinating, by making sure I filtered my daily activities down to the most important things I needed to get done such as: my work, education, work out, eat on time, sleep for some minutes when the time is right, research and study. The changes that came with it are tremendously beautiful because ever since I made these adjustments, I have worked on more big projects as a software engineer, been in a better shape physically and mentally, made more money and so much more.



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The pleasure is all mine Sir, it was refreshing to write on those topics.