
Yah why Brazil and Israel?

israel for obvious reasons.

brazil for obvious reasons.

Oh but nobody in the rest of the world.. just those ambiguous entities. Okey Doke!

why aren't those places on your exterminatus lista de cosas por hacer antes de morir?

I don't want to exterminate anything. Nature will do that by the almighty command. One thing for sure.. am Israel Chi works for 1000's of years. I'm gonna go with that than having exterminatus lists.

Both Israel and China are glorified oblasts that have their entire histories bathed in blood, rape, vivisection, financing of ALL wars on this planet in the last 2000 years, and you are saying you support Israel and China?

Bear. What. These places must, at all costs, be removed from the entirety of this plane of existence via swift neutron bombing of all major junctions of power, first decimating the elite, then working the way down to their subordinates. innocents will be taken care of in a refugee type system, as is the basic decency we should afford them.

The world is grey. Looking at it black and white with scapegoats has been done for thousands of years already. Translation = A lot of innocent people would die if we were to take your approach. I don't subscribe to genocide. It's more the central banking system that needs to be removed with sound money put into place. Placing blame on one particular community or country is prejudicial, biased, and down-right dangerous.

bro, there is literally a cabal in place that uses races, religion, science, sexuality, gender, health and the environment to destroy the common person.

there are 3 main groups who are responsible for the way the world is today because of their outsized impact. we all know who those 3 groups are comprised of and where they fit in.

where do the central banking elite come from? who comprises the ranks of the paid-for intelligentsia in central banking? how do they recruit?

a lot of innocent people are dying now, today, this second as I type this bullshit out to you. and they're dying because these 3 groups are allowed to exist.

I'm not advocating genocide.

Evil must be purged.

to follow-up.

the world is not grey, what a throw-away turd of a line from a supposedly intelligent investor and academic.

there is evil and there is good, it's that simple. vivisecting uighur children, men and women, throwing their organs away or selling them, is indefensible. the people who allowed that to happen are Chinese CCP politburo elites. Those people deserve the same crimes they committed upon others to be committed upon them.

the united states is ressponsible for untold suffering across the world where our rulers have sent merchants of death. those people responsible for that brutality deserve the same fate.

in israel, children are shot, mauled, journalists assassinated every single day in gaza just for existing. those people in israel and the arabic analogue world responsible for the destruction of the region deserve to destroyed.

hammurabi's code is literally the only way we go forward as a people. it's truly that simple.

kant was right about lying. one lie begets all the others and the person is iredeemable after the first deceit. it's just the way the world is. we, full of pride and sin, think we know better than God but we don't.

exterminatus lista de cosas por hacer antes de morir


this is the way.
