Contest #78 Mascotas especiales en mi vida ❤️ -Special pets in my life ❤️

in #hive-1244523 years ago


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Saludos comunidad Ladies Of Hive, es un gusto compartir con ustedes una vez más en sus maravillosos concursos que me trasladas a los mas lindos recuerdos de mi vida..

Greetings Ladies Of Hive community, it is a pleasure to share with you once again in your wonderful contests that take me back to the most beautiful memories of my life..

Las mascotas son una brisa suave o, a veces, un gran chapoteo. Nos gustaría saber de esa mascota especial en tu vida. Puede ser la mascota que tenías de niño o tu mascota actual.¿Qué piensa usted al respecto?

Pets are a gentle breeze or sometimes a big splash. We would like to hear from that special pet in your life. It could be the pet you had as a child or your current pet. What do you think about it?


Y concuerdo las mascotas son una brisa suave relajante, vivaz, dulce, afectiva y no hay nada más leal que una mascota, en casa hace algunos años nos llegó un nuevo integrante Donkey así se llamaba fue obsequiado a mi hermana, pero el era mas nuestro, un peludo mestizo de salchicha y criollo lo amamos con locura..

And I agree that pets are a gentle, relaxing, lively, sweet, affective breeze and there is nothing more loyal than a pet. A few years ago we received a new member at home. Donkey, that was his name, was given to my sister, but he was more ours. , a hairy mestizo of sausage and creole, we love him madly..


Era un perro increible obediente, inteligente, juguetón le encantaba jugar a la pelota así que como una rutina diaria buscaba la pelota que muchas veces tuvimos que reemplazar durante todos los maravillosos 13 años que nos brindó.

He was an incredible obedient, intelligent, playful dog who loved to play ball so as a daily routine he looked for the ball that many times we had to replace during all the wonderful 13 years he gave us.

Mi papá era su víctima preferida, porque cada vez que lo veía llegar buscaba la pelota era un espectáculo verlo jugar durante muchos años corría de un lado al otro se divertia muchisimo y nosotros verlo era por demás grandioso, hasta que los años fueron disminuyendo su velocidad y a veces tomaba la pelota y la soltaba a su lado quizás con la intención de jugar pero la energía ya no le daba..

My dad was his favorite victim, because every time he saw him arrive, he looked for the ball. It was a spectacle to see him play for many years, he ran from one side to the other, he had a lot of fun, and it was great for us to see him, until the years slowed him down. and sometimes he would take the ball and drop it to his side, perhaps with the intention of playing, but the energy no longer gave him..

Sufrimos mucho con el porque una vez llego a casa con una herida en una de sus largas orejas, porque esa era otra cosa el patio de nuestra casa estaba descubierta bueno sigue igual, y el era libre de salir y entrar, pues como les decia llego con esa oreja lastimada desconocemos cómo se hirió, pero lo cierto es que había perforado una de sus venas y botaba mucha sangre y se sacudía mi casa parecía la escena de un crimen porque ademas quieto no se quedaba..

We suffered a lot with him because once he came home with a wound in one of his long ears, because that was something else, the patio of our house was uncovered, well, it's still the same, and he was free to come and go, because as I told you, he arrived With that injured ear we do not know how he was injured, but the truth is that he had perforated one of his veins and he was gushing out a lot of blood and my house was shaking, it looked like the scene of a crime because he also did not stay still.


Por suerte el veterinario cauterizo la zona afectada y Donkey siguió con su vida con normalidad..
Eso si no comía cualquier cosa cuando se le colocaba alguna comida desagradable para el nos veía como diciendo y "crees que me voy a comer eso"

Luckily the vet cauterized the affected area and Donkey went on with his life normally.
That is, if he didn't eat anything when some unpleasant food was placed for him, he would see us as saying and "do you think I'm going to eat that?"

Luego de 13 años murió de viejo ya no tenía las mismas energías murió de noche se despidió de mi mama y salio hacia el patio donde dio sus últimos respiros.. Parece raro pero de vez en cuando mi mama y yo hemos sentido un olor característico que el solía tener antes de fallecer, serán ideas nuestras no lo se..

After 13 years he died of old age he no longer had the same energy he died at night he said goodbye to my mother and went out to the patio where he took his last breaths.. It seems strange but from time to time my mother and I have smelled a characteristic odor that he used to have before he died, they will be our ideas, I don't know..

Lo cierto es que nunca hemos tenido otro perro como el y dudo que tengamos otro que le asemeja, Donkey era especial.. lo extrañamos y queremos mucho...

The truth is that we have never had another dog like him and I doubt that we will have another that resembles him, Donkey was special... we miss him and love him very much...


Al tiempo de llegar Donkey adopte un gato, le coloque de nombre Eros lo amamos mucho además eran compañeros al principio estaban cada uno por su lado pero después se hicieron muy bueno amigos, Eros fue castrado para que no tuviera una vida tan ruda, eso fue recomendación del Veterinario.. Juguetón y mordedor, tenía una cola hermosa, todos las personas que lo veían quedaban enamorados del gato por su abundante pelaje, como todo gato era independiente y cazador de vez en cuando le quite algunas iguanas pese a mi propia vida jaja es que me daba cosa con eso animales, otras no puede salvar y dejaba sus restos por doquier, así también muchas veces trajo culebras, ratones, y cualquier cantidad de animalitos del monte que lograba cazar, esta por demas decir que era adorable...

When Donkey arrived, I adopted a cat, I named him Eros, we loved him very much, and they were companions at first, each one was on his own, but later they became very good friends, Eros was castrated so that he would not have such a rough life, that was recommendation of the Veterinarian.. Playful and biting, he had a beautiful tail, all the people who saw him fell in love with the cat because of his abundant fur, like every cat he was independent and a hunter from time to time I took some iguanas from him despite my own life haha It's that he gave me things with those animals, others he couldn't save and he left his remains everywhere, likewise many times he brought snakes, mice, and any number of little animals from the mountain that he managed to hunt, it goes without saying that he was adorable...


Estuvo con nosotros aproximadamente 5 años, murió un mes aproximadamente luego que Donkey murió, en circunstancias extrañas y dolorosas, un buen dia no volvio a casa, todos los días lo llamábamos a ver si había indicios de él, salimos cerca de la casa a ver si estaba por allí, duró desaparecido 10 días, yo fui la primera en verlo, venía adolorido, su maullido era extraño, estaba aterrado, estaba como avisando estoy aquí, pero extrañado como si hubiera pasado mucho tiempo sufriendo, caminando con dificultad se notaba había sufrido pero qué tanto, aún no lo sabía..

He was with us for about 5 years, he died about a month after Donkey died, under strange and painful circumstances, one fine day he didn't come home, every day we called him to see if there were any signs of him, we went out near the house to see if he was there, he disappeared for 10 days, I was the first to see him, he was in pain, his meow was strange, he was terrified, he was like warning me I'm here, but surprised as if he had spent a lot of time suffering, walking with difficulty you could tell he had suffered but how much, I still did not know..


le note que en la parte de atrás de tenis marca como si lo tenían sujeto desde allí y con fuerza porque estaba el pelaje muy aplastado, tenía heridas no había visto ese tipo de heridas pero me atrevería a decir como si le hubiesen quitado esa piel.. Mi pobre gato sufrió esos días y estoy segura estaba cerca.. duró unos días más tratando de curar sus heridas pero no pudo más, no estaba aquí en casa cuando murió pero mi mama me conto que grito fuerte al final de su vida..

I noticed that on the back of the sneakers it marks as if they had held it from there and with force because the fur was very flattened, it had wounds, I had not seen that type of wounds but I would dare to say as if they had removed that skin. My poor cat suffered those days and I'm sure he was close... he lasted a few more days trying to heal his wounds but he couldn't take it anymore, he wasn't here at home when he died but my mom told me that he screamed loudly at the end of his life...


Para nosotros su sufrimiento lo provoco una persona sin sentimientos.. Pero ya el se libró de eso.. Ellos fueron parte importante en nuestras vidas fueron grandes maestros, no llenaron de amor, de ternura de momentos únicos..

For us, his suffering was caused by a person without feelings... But he already got rid of that... They were an important part of our lives, they were great teachers, they did not fill unique moments with love, with tenderness...

Las fotografías fueron tomadas de mi facebook y algunas fueron capturadas por cámaras de teléfonos de baja resolución, pero no quería dejar de compartir algunos recuerdos con nuestras mascotas..

The pictures were taken from my facebook and some were captured by low resolution phone cameras, but I didn't want to miss out on sharing some memories with our pets.

invito a @ikigaidesign

Espero sea de su agrado mi relato.. Saludos a todas ladies de Hive

I hope you like my story. Greetings to all Hive ladies


como bien dice, la mascota es el mejor amigo del hombre, esos pequeños animalitos siempre estan alli cuando uno los necesita, y nos dejan un gran vacio cuando ya no estan, lindo post amiga, gracias por la invitacion, saludos!

Hola amiga así es, ellos siguen en mi corazón he tenido otros perros y otro gato pero ellos dos siguen siendo parte de mi vida .. Gracias amiga,,

Mi papá era su víctima preferida, porque cada vez que lo veía llegar buscaba la pelota era un espectáculo

Jajaja me lo estoy imaginando. Es que son tan juguetones y amistosos y si, siempren tienen una victima preferida.

siii era todo un espectáculo sabíamos que el venia porque su actitud era de atento a todo y salia corriendo a buscar la pelota ya cuando el llegaba hacia la puerta trasera de la casa lo recibía con la pelota en la trompa.. Gracias por su visita saludos..

Your Donkey was really cute and I'm glad you had the time with him that you did.

I am sorry about Eros; people who hurt animals maybe need some of the same treatment to them! I just don't get it. I am sorry he suffered.

Thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much for your comment, your departure was sad but you gave us special moments... That's right, I don't understand why there are bad people who harm defenseless beings...

Take care my friend!💜🤗

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I can say that Donkey lived a happy and fun 13 years with your family and he was loved dearly :) I hope you get to meet another although not exactly like him, but one who will add joy to your house. And it's sad to read about Eros. Some people can be mean...

If that was the case, Donkey was happy and made us all happy. Unfortunately, my Eros suffered unfairly, but the time he accompanied us also had happy moments, except for his last days.

It is unfortunate indeed for Eros...

Poor Eros, makes me wonder why some people do the things they do to animals especially a pet. At least Donkey had a full happy life.

Thanks for sharing @edittasc86

I ask myself that question, there are bad, perverse people who don't mind hurting a little animal.. If so, thank you very much for reading me..