A few of my favourite AI Artworks that I am currently prompting...

in #hive-1224722 years ago

I thought it would a good idea to get my digital AI artwork compiled in one post instead a few spread in a week. If I can do that once a week, that would be already a great achievement.


Why am I so proud about something I didnt make? This is so unfair, for the first time in my life, I am satisfied with something I created, and I didn't really do it, AI did it!

It's such a strange sensation, because I cannot help but being in awe, appreciating the result for what it is, I know that it's a succession of randomness that led me to the result, I was the mere curator, but I still feel an immense sense of pride about them.


I am almost ashamed to admit how these 2 above were born, I was trying to make a hybrid god wolf out of an existing person, and it resulted in variations after variations, up until I got those 2 portraits that I upscaled to the max, they represent my totem, the wolf, and my wife totem, the lioness.

I've been thinking of a similar tattoo for a long time, I wonder if a decent ink dude could do it.

Anyway, there's a moment when you reach a certain point in your artwork, when you know you got what you need, and it's time to stop spinning the wheel.
If you carry on working on it, you can risk to make it worse very quickly.


This is the second rendition of my Babel Space Harbour, and I really love it. There is something magical in the first renditions I did with Midjourney, now after knowing the "language", I tend to overcomplicate, with lenses, unreal engine, and all sort of "key word" that are supposed to shape the artwork, but in all truth, sometimes it's just plain magic and you're lucky to have an awesome result. It's all about having the eye for it, and following what you are "attracted to".

This is "Soul Mates", pretty self explanatory.

But still to give a little bit of background for "Soul Mates", it was probably one of the first "successful" AI art, and by this I mean something that I was satisfied with?
Everybody that has given it a try, whether it's Midjourney, Dall E or Night Cafe, there will always be misfired work, bound to be deleted to disappear into the creative abyss.

This was the first time that I thought "Oh, that's exactly what I had in mind", knowing that you eventually get into a "symbiosis mode" with the AI, meaning that you start speaking the same language.

For me, I am more succeful with Midjourney. But I've seen people mastering Dalle E and Night Café to another level, so it's just really about which tool get you to your creative destination.

I did the same thing with DAWs, I was drawn to Cubase 15 years ago, and never looked back. Is Cubase the best DAW out there?

I don't know, they're all pretty much serving the same purpose, so I guess it's all about the artist that gets a hand on it.

Anyway, fascinating piece, and the prompt wasn't overly complex, just the right amount of poetry.

I haven't given a name to this one yet, if I could summarise, there is 15% Lord Of The Ring, 20% Tree of Life, Add some cinematic lighting, keep the focus on the tree, turn around tree times (haha pun intended) and shout "Amen".


This is one of the case, when the absurdity of the interpretation of the prompt becomes borderline genius work. Don't misunderstand me, I am not the genius, the AI is. I am just "the director".
I wanted some sort of Touareg Ninja in a wasteland, a horse was involved, but after each variations, it started turning into one of the horseman of the apocalypse, and I applauded the creative input from the AI, just wonderful to witness, seeing the blurry paste come into form, just a jaw dropping process.
Yes, he has a katana with him, looking so bad ass.


Every 2 days, I post my "work" on Instagram, there is actually a decent community and I've seen some serious legit art, now some guys start animating their own work, you can just feel the direction, the sentiment, always something new to check.

I posted this one yesterday, I called it "Portal", I had in mind a character passing through realities, there's also a bit of Saitama in it, and of course, Dr Strange.


This piece up there got generated through an image source of mine, the one where I am standing with the sunset and my guitar.
After a bunch of attempts, I could feel that the weight of the image wasn't strong enough, so after misfiring a few shots, I fiinally got something interesting, it reminds me of heaven, maybe I'll carry on developping this one a bit more, or deleting a part of it and adding some more, which is also something you can do! Just wonderful!


I also was playing around the notion of portal but on the physical realm, how a medieval portal would look like, in a green forest with cinematic fog.
Notice the vegetation climbing to the top of the tower 😙 👌
This is one of those, that I don't know if it's done yet. Maybe I want more light coming from the portal.


A different take on my God Wolf obsession, I think the AI did something interesting with the head kind of in a shape of a tree but still very wolflike, it reminds me of Arcimboldo. There's another wolf hidden in the picture, can you figure out where?


When I obsess with an idea, I waste all my time and credit until I get the result I wanted.

This is a zombie samurai genre, that will probably take off in the next few years, once I figure out a title hahah.
Joke aside, it was generated for my idea for a comic called Dead Punch, and now I am thinking of a second character in the franchise, a samurai that goes back to his sensei only to discover that all the disciples are now undead, he has to face them all, and his sensei too.


This is called *Apocalypse Rooftop Farmers" or just "Rooftop Farmers", not sure yet. It was inspired by a game I regularly play called Project Zomboid, I got 1500 hours logged in 🤣.
The people you see on the top of the roof, they are dressed up with soldier clothes. It' hard to tell from that far.

They're growing tomatoes.


And finally, my male or female cyborg warrior wide with high saturation, looking all menacing but still something very solemnel about it, almost crusade like.

I can't add more on this last one, so it probably means that it reached its artistic destination, and it's complete. Maybe a burning land behind her but it would take away some of the focus.

What's your favorite?



it is clear that it is the AI which makes the biggest part of the work but it should not be forgotten that if your images are so well succeeded it is that you knew how to choose the good prompts and adjustments and yes indeed you must start to speak the same language as the AI. I confirm to you that I also have quite a lot of failures intended to be removed in any case I congratulate you your creations are really superb

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

T'es Français ? Bien joué pour la traduction 👍😁👌☺️ avec deepl!

J'ai découvert un truc, appartement certain prompt ont moins d'impact sur le résultat final. Cherche prompt et placebo sur YT, tu verras que certain mots comme "ultra detailed" ont moins d'impact, et d'autres comme "octane render" ont carrément un impact.

Merci pour le compliment !

Français aussi ? octane render j'utilise souvent effectivement il a un impact certain. et je viens regarder sur you tube c'etait super interessant merci pour l'info

That's awesome...I'm yet to try it out but I will I heard there is a discord server that offers it.

Yep man you gonna love it! There are a few now, Dall E, night cafe, and midjourney

I like the last image because is so crisp, but I love soul mates, too! However,the comedy aspect of the farmers on the roof top growing tomatoes? Priceless! Reblogged.

This is so interesting! The last one?

Yes tomatoes 😉 because it will probably the easiest to grow in zommbie apocalypse. Also weed 😁 and homemade moonshine everywhere to cope with the ambient sadness 😅

LOL we actually grew 2 nice plants of cherry tomatoes that are finally (fall here now) ripening! I was wondering if I'd ever get to eat them. So far the few I have eaten are delicious!

Oh nice!!! We had too many cherry tomatoes and didn't even jarred them all before going to Spain. Hopefully there's some left on the plants at the end of the month. They're also the only one the kids eat, they don't like normal tomatoes, these spoil brats!!!😃

Hahaha 😆, my great grandbaby doesn't like tomatoes.

my great grandbaby doesn't like tomatoes.

OK I feel better about it if it's a common thing haha.

:) don't!

Incredible work. Glad you're sharing.

Blown away by your Babel Space Harbour those Sumerians knew how to dock spaceships. :P

Sumerians knew how to dock spaceships. :P

I've seen it on the History channel hahahah...

Incredible work. Glad you're sharing.

Thanks mate, we're just having fun here. I've been having fun with Disco Diffusion tonight, trying to make an animation out of AI art.
Super freaking fascinating...

Haven't played with disco diffusion yet. It's on the list of things to do and to experiment with. :)

I've never been good at anything artistic or digital artwork but it's always been something I've wanted to be better at. It's hard to tell you which rendition I like the most as they're all stunning. You're a talent :)

You can totally do it too! It's AI generated art, let me guide you through the process. You don't need drawing skills just idea:

The guy doesn't sell it though, it's just really amazing. You gonna love it!

Awe, such an inspiration !! I thought it was a very challenging task and needed a lot of skill. I will take a look at it and learn more about it.

Thanks Ed, very kind of you.

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Thank you so much!!!

Those are sick man. Incredible. It's interesting to hear about the process as well and your interpretation of it all. I think I like the Horse Apocalypse one and the tree of life looking one above it.

Thanks to the AI, bud! I guess the process is all that separates us from let's say lemurs or squirrels 🐿️. Animals don't have premeditated actions, or at least not like we do.

Now I imagine a tribunal of animals, that's a cool concept.
The elephant is the judge, shouting at the Hyenas "guilty as charge" gavel held with the trump 😁🙏👍 ah that weed is so nice

Lmao 😂
Your next creation perhaps 👍

Hahaha already on it!

Maybe we can compare creations 🤣
I'll show you what I can do.

Are you ready to see my AI skillz? Well Buckle up...

These are in order of when I created them.

I don't even understand what I'm looking at here.

I'm having doubts in my ability to produce.

What the actual fuck.

My last attempt is the best I got but it's still super boring. Where are the flamingos that I asked for? Where are my monkeys? Where is the laughter?


I feel ashamed that I ruined your beautiful post with my hideous creations.

I got this

Daaauummm. Thats way better than mine. That's not saying much though. 😂
Very cool. Really

Bro it's really just Midjourney is better, I wish it was me.

Hahaha bro I don't know if it's because I'm not supposed to laugh out of respect, or because my wife is in a meeting and I can't laugh, but I couldn't help myself.

Are you still on Night Café? Try midjourney, much more intuitive. I can't get decent shit on night cafe anymore.

Yeah it was nightcafe lol. I should try midjourney. I just hate setting up accounts and all that crap lol. I'm super lazy you see.

I'm super lazy you see.

Your body of work says otherwise

It's boring. It reminds me of an old children's book, like Curious George or something.

I guess you're being harsh on yourself a little, that's what any good artist would do.

You can also try Dall E? I struggled with it too, so for me it's midjourney for now ^^

These pieces are seriously next level. The very first image got me thinking, the moment I saw it... it's like I'm face to face with one of the Ancient Egyptian gods.

Like, if you could go back in time and take a huge print of this with you, hang it up it on the back wall of the ruling Pharaoh's sleeping quarters... when they entered the room for the evening, they'd swear they had passed on suddenly and gone to the afterlife. It has both a hallucinatory and highly photorealistic quality, it would probably send the poor Pharaoh straight to the afterlife for real

These are really beautiful. Soulmates, The Tree of Life with it's optical illusion-esque foliage / clouds

The High Saturation Knight

So cool!

I wouldn't be so hard on myself. Without you working the controls, prompting the machine, curating the outputs, deciding what stays and what drops to the cutting room floor, no-one would be seeing these breathtaking images!

The very first image got me thinking, the moment I saw it... it's like I'm face to face with one of the Ancient Egyptian gods.

The first one was the most complex prompt I've ever done. That's when I realize that every details counts, even just the wording, I shouldn't reveal my tricks but I used "intricate golden and chain ornate" something something hahah, anyway it was a lightning in a bottle.

It has both a hallucinatory and highly photorealistic quality, it would probably send the poor Pharaoh straight to the afterlife for real

Someone was saying "what if you could go back 30 years in time and make a fortune with Midjourney" hahaha I found the idea super puzzling.

wouldn't be so hard on myself. Without you working the controls, prompting the machine, curating the outputs, deciding what stays and what drops to the cutting room floor, no-one would be seeing these breathtaking images!

I guess it becomes a work of direction, instead of drawing. I like that idea...