How I Lost My Twin Boys

in #hive-1538503 years ago

First of all I want to use this medium and opportunity to praise all females worldwide. Most especially the mothers. I have seen and witnessed that being a mother is never an easy task. I cherish and adore all mothers worldwide.
There is this particular song we often sing during my primary education days:
'There is no one like mama to me'
'No matter as poor she may be'
'I am travelling round the world, looking for mama'
'there is no one like mama to me'


Though the story is very long to tell here, but I will summarize it as much as I can.

It was all good news when my fiancee told me she feels pregnant. Without delaying, we hurriedly visited a hospital for confirmation. The result of the pregnancy test came positive. She was already three(3) pregnant.
You can imagine the smiles on our faces. It's her first pregnancy and it's my first child on the way.
As expected, we immediately registered for antenatal. All the appropriate drugs and medication were given her. We went back home very happy.
We never for once skipped the feeding regime and others recommended by our Obstetrician. We followed precept by precept all he told us to do.
Fast forward to our next appointment, already Seven (7) weeks old pregnancy. Routine Ultrasound Scan was carried out. A viable result says the UT scan.
Something happened on the next routine UT scan. It's already eleven (11) weeks old pregnancy. It's a twin gestation says the diagnostic medical sonographer. It was double joy and blessing. We were more happy. We went home joyful.
Another banger was the 18th week of pregnancy when we went for Anatomy Fetal scan. This scan will be able to tell us the sex of the foetus if we so desire to know. After the scan we were told that everything is perfect. But for the sex, he said, both are males. My fiancee was very happy, though I was happy but I still prefer female child anyday, anytime. So, my fiancee is carrying twin boys. We did not for once derailed from the laid down 'do and don't' by our Obstetrician.
Another thing happened in the 22nd week if pregnancy. On and off cramps around the abdomen. We visited our Obstetrician. We later had to go for UT scan. After the scan, we returned to see our Obstetrician. To our surprised, he told us it's 'Threatened Abortion'. He gave us medication. The cramps stopped mid way into the mediation and until after the medications.
It was sorry, tears and blood on the 26th week of pregnancy. Around 1am my fiancee noticed bleeding. Up to 20ml of blood. The bleeding stopped immediately. First thing 7am, same day, we visited our Obstetrician to complain. After series of UT scan, blood and urine tests, we were given medications.
Next day almost same time when the previous bleeding started, the bleeding started again. This time it'd not stop. I hurriedly rushed out to my neighbour in the next flat. We immediately took my fiancee to the hospital. The bleeding later stopped in the hospital. Our Obstetrician later in the day refered us to a Teaching Hospital.
In the Teaching Hospital, after series of tests and UT scan, no fault was detected. My fiancee bled several times there. The bleeding was on and off. Babies were kicking normal, Packed Cell Volume (PCV) was normal, the cervix was closed and no pains of any kind, just bleeding. Then what was wrong? Medications and treatment did not totally stopped the bleeding. Six (6) days in the hospital no improvement. Now the pregnancy was 27th week old.
I went to get some supplies for my fiancee, I entered the Labour Ward where she had been all these while, but she was not there. I was told she had been taken to the Gynaecology Theater for emergency C-section. Our 27 weeks old twin boys were brought out and transferred to incubators.
We, the hospital management and staff tried our best to make everything successful.
It was unfortunate that our twin boys died the next day but we were fortunate that my fiancee is fine.
Dear readers, during my time in the hospital, I saw women go through pains and agony to bring new souls into this world. My experience in the hospital elevated my respect, adoration and love for mothers.

God bless all mothers worldwide.
I cherish you all