I've never met a flawless person; every individual has a minimum one characteristic that makes them dislikeable, especially if it's significant.
Infact, I've realized that relationships with individuals are solely intended to make an impact on them or vice versa. Even though we aren't perfect, as a specie, we may nevertheless improve one another through cooperation, business, relationships, and many other activities.
I'm going to mention three qualities in guys that I find repulsive in a man, They are;
A Man Who Abuses Drugs.
A Man Who Lies and Steals.
A Man Who is a Womanizer.
A Man Who Abuses Drugs
One quality I detest in males is the abuse of hard drugs, particularly considering my own encounters with them. This is the story: I get to visit my uncle who works for the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency occasionally in his office, Individuals who have been found in possession of narcotics are typically kept in a detention facility there, amongst these people majority are males. There is also a rehab center where people may learn more about drug misuse and detox. One distinctive quality of these individuals is that, when you find drug addicts in the same living space you can easily identify people with unstable mental states.
These people include attractive guys with innocent-looking faces. I discovered that the material being abused is a component of the blood, which circulates throughout the whole body the substance. Whenever the drug reaches a certain area of the body where it isn't supposed to be, it causes mental problems.
I was listening to a story about a person in a detention facility who was willing to sell any valuable item they owned in order to buy drugs. Once it reaches that point, it develops into a dependency. I don't like such people since I used to be extremely cautious with men who were addicts and I don't approach them too closely. I am also very careful of the type of business I conduct with people like that since they are likely to hurt their psychological health and will trade any of your treasured possessions for money. Because, Haa!, I don't even want my partner to act in that way. I won't look back as I leave the relationship, particularly if I attempt to stop him but it appears like no one is listening to what I have to say.
A Man Who Lies and Steals
Among the qualities in a man that I despise is one who steals and lies. He is capable of taking anything you own only to further his goals. Your funds and other assets are not secure if you live around such a person and could be removed even without your knowledge.
I did something to test my boyfriend. After the early days we met, I actually played a trick on him to learn what sort of person he is at fact, I pretended that I had lost my money at his home and was scrambling to get it. We all checked the house but couldn't find it, only me knew where I hid it. The sum of money was underneath the bed, but a few days afterwards, as he was doing housework, he called to let me know where he had found the cash. He is not a thief, I am certain of that after the scenario.
Not only my partner. I do this to those that seem like they would be good candidates for frequent communication like a colleague. It's a simple method, but avoid overusing it. I'll only pretend as if I lost my money or other possessions to gauge how the individual will respond when I actually need it. Luckily if I find my possession back where I kept it, I will understand he knows nothing about it but if I don’t, I use to be careful with such people. I prefer folks that are true to who they are and aren't lying or stealing almost everything.
A Man Who is a Womanizer
I detest when a guy womanizes and am constantly cautious around them. Anyone wearing a skirt or any other feminine creature is vulnerable to these types of men. Additionally, I urge all females to avoid men who womanize.
When I was in college, a significant problem arose that even my school's student affairs department found challenging to address. A woman befriended a man on campus; they started dating and had affairs; later, she began to fall sick frequently, even though she had never been that way before, she didn't discover she had HIV/AIDS disease until much later after series of test.
According to her, she has never dated anyone or had affairs with except the guy that was when the man. Without argument, he admitted to be the carrier of the disease right from when he was in high school.
The lady cried bitterly and even contemplated suicide, but thanks to her friends and well-wishers who kept consoling her on the need to manage the disease and continue schooling.
A man who is a womanizer keeps having affairs with multiple women and in all, one of them will be with a chronic infection, if you fall prey to it, could spread to other women. I will continue to urge single women to have a medical checkup before accepting any male as their spouse. Nobody is going to simply open up to you in such a manner as to inform you about their sickness, especially when it becomes so emotionally charged, therefore the test will show you the sort condition he has.
There are many qualities in guys that I despise, but among them is their propensity for gossiping about others. In addition, I detest slow men. I am a diligent and hardworking individual. As a result, I surround myself with hardworking individuals. Staying around a man who lost his job and fails to make any plans to find another one will be risky. Being with a male who sets objectives and puts in the effort to achieve every single one of them inspires me.
I appreciate you reading my lengthy post about the qualities of males I find annoying. Pardon me if the trick I use hurts but you don't just have to trust people especially as things are getting the way it is these days.
Have a fantastic day, indeed.