Receive.Cash - Organize ALL Your Wallet Addresses in 1 Custom URL FOR FREE

in #hive-16792211 months ago

"The LinkTree of Blockchains"

There is a new crypto-website project being hosted FOR FREE that allows you to organize ALL your wallet-receive addresses for any desired crypto types together in one custom URL! This site is known as:


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Site/Page Dynamics:

This site is incredibly easy to use for both/all parties in any and all types of transactions. The layout of the site is also about as user friendly as it can get on both ends of the spectrum, when building/editing your page, and when people use it. The site simplicity also allows it to transcend language, since it is simple blockchain logo symbols and wallet addresses ONLY.

I am personally using this site for DONATIONS for my music, activism, production, engineering, etc... but this site could just as easily be used for transactions paying for goods and services. Since allows for your own custom URL with your page, you can literally tie it to anything: business, personal, crowdfunding, or otherwise.

You can also make MULTIPLE PAGES!! This allows you to produce several URLs on one account. This way you can have separate URLs (linked to the same or separate wallets) for personal and business usage. The crossover potential is heavy here.

Here is my Donations Page for ELAmental as an example:

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As you can see, the direct-to-point page construction and ease of access for the quick-copy of the numerical addresses (or photo of the presented QR code - by clicking/tapping on any of the blockchain logos) manifests an amazingly powerful tool to make it easier than ever for quick and easy crypto donations and/or payments for ANY person or project... you don't even have to ask people which coin they want to pay in or vice verse, just give them the URL/link, or have a printed QR code at the ready for your custom URL.

My Custom ELAmental Receive.Cash QR Code:

CLICK HERE for my article where I share a site that generates FREE CUSTOM QR CODES THAT NEVER EXPIRE! The amount of customization of the QR's themselves is intense, but you can also create one MASTER-QR there to use FOREVER with your URL, which is always editable!

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Future Address Type Categories on Receive.Cash:

Since a friend of mine is friends with this site's developer, a few of us were able to purpose ideas that I heard were being implemented into the sites design ASAP. These ideas are as follows.

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Idea #1: Include more mass-adopted wallets as optional addresses to have on your site like Venmo, Cashapp, Paypal, etc., to allow ANYONE who wants to donate to a cause or pay for something to be able to TRUELY access it all in one place... regardless if they want to pay in crypto or not.

Idea #2: Include a section for referral codes to be posted. This will extend the reach and benefits of other projects like air-drop farming and rewards programs to benefit more people... and benefit you more in said programs.

Idea #3: Since there are two amazing ideas likely being installed on this platform being presented here already, I also thought it necessary to include activatable categories with small separators on the page that could be organized like this:

Wallet Categories:

1: Crypto
2: Mainstream
3: Referral/Affiliate Codes

These categories could of course be rearranged in any order depending on the needs of the associated account, as well as customizing the headers to alternate ones crafted by the page's user to better fit their liking, which would replace the default ones (like the ones above I used as an example).

I feel this selective organization would allow the site to achieve it's maximum level of versatility, without sacrificing the integrity of it's simplicity.

A "Retro-Mode" could also be helpful for those wanting to still ONLY promote crypto wallets.

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Wallet Support Theology

On a bit of a side note - it is important to acknowledge that some humans may draw a bit of discernment as to who you are as a person by which cryptos are represented on your page, and also which ORDER you present them in... this is some serious crypto-nerd shit, but it is still a thing.

Images Sourced from Various Pictured Blockchains' Sites

I do tend to have a short-thought of judgement cross my mind when I see someone's top crypto donation/payment addresses being: XRP, BTC, USDT type 1, 2, 3's.

I am sure not everyone really cares that much, and honestly outside of any slight variants of the extreme example I just presented, that type of thing doesn't really affect any type of real world decisions I would make with someone based on their wallet promos/order... but it is a thought that crosses my mind, so it is safe to say that others think these things as well.

It is mostly just important to remember that just like "your dollar is your vote", what crypto wallets you promote for donations the most and rank highest on a wallet combo-site such as this reflects your representation of that blockchain to some varying degree, and somewhat exposes your loyalty level based on what order you choose to place things.

Personally, I think it is important to include the bigger projects like BTC on my list even though I do not really support that blockchain or it's outdated tech. This denotes that I am wise enough to include the most known crypto in the world as an option for others that do support it (so they may more comfortably support me), without showing I prioritize my support of it, by ranking it way down there on my wallet list. At the end of the day, I still support the idea and philosophy of a more evolved system of finance (which is currently being recrafted in the crypto-space)... but it all started with BTC.... I still refuse to accept or promote Ripple though 🤣

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"The Simplest Tech is Often the Most Useful" - @ELAmental

I have always said things like this, and similar phrases like: "the simplest ideas usually make the most money". I have no doubt that this is one of those diamond-in-the-rough, GOLDEN, aka "million-dollar" ideas, but unlike other past project with this level of potential, this one seems mostly selfless.

While I am sure the dev(s) will find ways to profit from the site, this platform is currently a FREE piece of simple, yet EXTREMELY POWERFUL tech. This project has a high demand, that is currently still in the subconscious of most peoples' minds, as this site is new, and mostly unknown at the moment.

Grab your URL(s) while they're still available and while the site is still young! This tool is useful right away. This article is my way of giving back with the gift economy. Promotion is energy. Energy can be measured in time, effort, & skill. Time, effort, & skill has value.

Kinekting Funds for Needs from Fundees


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This is NOT FINACIAL ADVISE, this is Financial Funtime.. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. I was not paid, promised, told, or even suggested in any way by anyone to promote or talk about Receive.Cash, and this publication was only crafted to show my support and use of the project, as well as help others ease the access of their funding through it.

Brought to you by: @ELAmental

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ELAmental Artist Bio & Writing Profile

Photo Provided by: M.Y.S.T.E.R.I. (Teri J-Cubs) & Animated by: @ELAmental & KoM LinkTree - for ALL updates & content

𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖉


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Links for Free Crypto Earning Accounts

| Splinterlands | Hive | Odysee - LBRY | Actifit - Fitness | Rising Star |
| Simpleswap - Low Trade Fees | Presearch - Search 2 Earn |

| NFT Showroom | Monster Market | Purse |

All Crypto Donations Found Here:


Enchanted Blessings - with Love, Truth, Respect, & Honor - @ELAmental.


Stay Tuned... Into the Right Frequencies

ELAmental's LinkTree
