Y´alls Read and write articles with Lightning Network micropayments.

in #hive-1679223 years ago


Is a website that allows the creation of blogs and content, this allows users to read and write articles using Lightning Network micropayments.

Basically yalls.org allows you to monetize articles that you write.

How it works?

Users must install a Lightning Network wallet, the website offers to the visitors the options.

  1. Phoenix
  2. Muun
  3. Strike
  4. River
  5. Breez
  6. LND

There are 4 ways to generate a reward on the platform:

  1. When someone reads your article.
  2. When someone comment on it.
  3. When someone buys an upgrade to your content.
  4. When they react to your content.
The only point against the platform that I see is that you must pay to be able to publish on it. But if we put it on a scale, the content will be there receiving micropayments for being read until you decide to delete it.

To publish an article you only must to have your wallet with balance and have your article written, place the public key of the Linhgtning Network node to be able to recive and withdraw your rewards from the platform. The price to publish varies depending on the price of #bitcoin, at the time of this post the price is 0.86 USD for each article.

As in #hive or #leofinance, rewards are not guaranteed, only when someone reads, comments or reacts to your content will you be able to generate money, the platform advises you to make frequent withdrawals to avoid diminishing rewards in market fluctuations.

Once an article is published, the platform will only show a part of it to encourage the reader to pay for the full article. It will also show how much money this article has been rewarded, you can see in the following image.

Alex Bosworth.

He is the CEO and developer of the yalls.org, yo can interact with him in https://twitter.com/alexbosworth where he is very active, everyday he is posting about Bitcoin and the lightning network.

Y'alls uses lnd, a #Go implementation of the Lightning Network protocol.

Yalls.org also has a testnet where you can test before using if you want, here is the link: https://testnet.yalls.org/

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


What is your personal experience with the platform?

Hello friend! Any experience but i will try soon. I got some satoshis in my wallet Muun! Thanks for your comment and the upvote.