The Role of Hormones in Regulating Body Functions

in #hive-1963873 months ago

When you hear the word hormone, what comes to mind? You might start to think mood swing, cramps, pimples, and so on, you know those puberty signs you experienced or those signs women show when they are pregnant. Hormones no doubt plays a great role in puberty and during pregnancy but it does more than these.

Hormones are responsible in almost everything in our lives including during the period of stress, triggering our immune system, and in steroids. When you pick a blood sample, you would see so many things in it including biomarkers, blood cells, glucose, and not forgetting hormones.

Let me guess that you have heard the words "Testosterone, and Estrogen". Those hormones responsible for sexuality in men and women, but then it is beyond that because the Hormone refer to chemical messengers secreted by glands into the blood, to be transported to the regions where they are needed and the receptors are available for the specific hormone. Hormones and their gland are a part of the body systems known as endocrine system and hormones stimulate growth, immune response, metabolism and many more and while there are a number of them, some of them can have more than two functions.


While one hormone can be doing more than one job, multiple hormones can be doing the same job. For instance, the thyroid hormone is important in metabolism as adults but also important for development fetus. While when it comes to controlling blood sugar, it is largely dependent on the hormone insulin, made by the pancreas but then other hormones like glucagon, epinephrine and cortisol also influence the control of blood sugar level in the blood.

The hormone does a lot, for instance during childbirth, the baby is expected to come out through the cervix (this is for natural type of birth) and so it would apply pressure to the cervix. This stimulate the release of Oxytocin, a hormone responsible for contraction and the contraction stimulates the production of more oxytocin which in-turn stimulates more contraction in a loop kind of thing but when the baby is born, this feedback loop stops.

Talking about feedback, the body and hormones work hand in hand, for instance, when there is less water in the blood, hormones such as vasopressin are released so the body can start to conserve water to keep us alive. Negative feedback loop can also be used by hormones like in the case of cortisol which is the stress hormone, which gives the body energy during stressful situation such as increasing the energy metabolism and charging the immune system. Since we are always having a stressful life, cortisol is always produced. Gotten from steroids, it is converted into pregnenolone after which it becomes progesterone (which is important in pregnancy and ovulation), it can then turn into cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone after different chemical process.


While people abuse a certain type of steroid for muscle building doesn't mean that all steroids are bad. Medical practitioners prescribe steroids to patients and funny enough, the steroids are not for muscle building. For instance, the hormones corticosteroids play different function in the body including controlling stress response, and regulating the immune system.

Hormones are vital chemical messengers that influence numerous physiological processes, from growth and metabolism to stress response and immune function. Their intricate feedback mechanisms ensure our bodies maintain balance and respond appropriately to changes. Understanding the diverse roles of hormones enhances our appreciation of their importance in maintaining health and addressing medical conditions. While some may misuse certain types of steroids, it's essential to recognize that hormones and steroids prescribed by medical professionals play critical roles in promoting well-being and managing various health issues.



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