COUNTING MY BLESSINGS : Self-love My Strongest Motivation

in #hive-1106012 days ago

First off i got to know about this pretty late tho, read lots of beautiful articles about Self love and i'm moved to share my beautiful side of the prompt you wouldn't want to miss

To be very Frank, i would often say of myself that i have the best life ever on earth, this thoughts came to me one say while i was riding my bike returning from work, a lot was going through my mind at the time but it suddenly dawn on me how privilege i am with all i have achieved and how far i have come in life, i will tell you why i so treasure this words and hold it so dearly to heart...

I am someone who is very emotional, i can fall off into depression easily, maybe based on how i was raised by a tyrant, lost both parent when i was young, so a lot has transpired in my journey of life.

You know that song? Count your Blessings, Name them one by One....And it will surprise you what the lord has done, yah that's exactly how i feel when i recall on most of the things i love about myself, really these things helps me build up, makes me feel better, makes me see myself differently, i happy, fulfilled and accomplished and above all it tells me i can become more seeing from my past, how far i have come....

In as much as every human being is uniquely created with unique traits and personalities, There are lots of stuffs i really like about myself, which i count as Blessinngs cause i'm lucky and happy to have them as a person

Perseverance & Strength
This is one key Fact about me, i'm hardworking, trying not to allow me sound proud, but this is one particular trait i'd say runs in my family, i also learnt this from my Brother, there's this unusual stamina, strength to do so much, no matter what it is once our minds on it, its a done deal, i love to get doing, engaging, active, which is why i hate idleness with passion, i feel strong and happy to most times do what i love to do, it doesnt matter how long i'd go with the ability to persevere no matter what, persevering has helped a lot to achieve results that amazes people, to me given up is not even an option once its in my mind to go for it, i leave no stone unturn.

Fashion & Neatness
This is one aspect about me i really love so much, when it comes To fashion, i don't think twice, i love to look Good, well dressed, i guess i got my sense of fashion from one of my favourite movie character, whenever i step out i love the admiration, the compliment, not necessary cause of that, but because i love to look Good, it pleases me, and i love my sense of fashion, my collection, this has also helped me create a system in me that i can literally fix what i want to wear a week to whatever function, perfect blend and combination of fabrics and styles to suit the occasion,

Neatness is another part of me i don't joke with, i love everything around me to be in their position, its beautiful, its so nice, i love my space, not doing this to impress anyone or expecting a visitor naah....i do it cause of me, i love my space, i love orderliness, when things are scattered around it makes me kinda confuse, and uncomfortable everything around me needs to be clean amd tidy appropriately at all times.

Fitness & Sport
I started home work out long time ago, doing some simple home workout routines on daily basis, and somehow this as really helped shaped my body structure and posture as well as achiving fitness, healthy living and sound mind, i love the act that i can go upto 60+ arms stretch push ups, over 70 seat ups plus lots of other exercises i do even without going to the gym for it, i have a bicycle i ride over 10km some days, helps with the muscles at the hip and flexing the muscles around these region.

I Love the fact that i knew God at a very young age, and i have come to enjoy some certain privileges and favours and blessings, i often feel fortunate to this, Cause a lot i knew wouldn't have been if not for the knowlede and the grace made available by his mercies...

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