in #hive-114308last month


As we approach the Month of August the rains now falling in some days, which only means the rainy seasons down here is retreating little by little, like few days ago it rained heavily almost the entire day, then yesterday, a day before that and today the weather was just moody, cloudy not even a ray lf sunshine the whole day, and i guess it will likely fall again tomorrow, but before that i'm particularly grateful to the rains this year falling at the right timing or maybe its i who just got it right..

The rains has so blessed my little #homesteadfarmland just at our backyard, here use to house my grandpa's goat house
before a heavy storm threw down the whole thing, thanks our stars no goat were in that day, there after granny sold some of them due to cash issues then and also what really made him stopped raring the goats was when wr woke up one morning to findout three of our goats lifeless on the cold earth, we couldn't trace what happened to them or had they eaten somethings else? other than the usual food of grave granpa brought to them or had a snake bitten them?, this broke my grand pa and since then he stopped , till my mom decides to tilt the entire place to raise our all #homestead farm land, that was around February then by mid April the Rain started dropping then kicked up by May June july and gradually folds up by August paving up ways for the next season, which is the Hamattan season by say mid september or around october but some years can exceed down to november or early December.

I dont know but there is this joy i get whenever i wake up every morning to see how our homestead had so blossom over the months, all thanks to the rains and the organic manuring from the faeces of the goat, at first i and my mom we planted corn which grew so tall twice our heights we knew that this soil is very fertile for our homesteading,

So my mom already had a farm elsewere but that is far from home, so she had to transplant some of the crops down here and also plant some seedlings too, after planting the rained came at te right time to water the planting so we didnt need to stress anymore just watch them grow and glow

This is how it was few months after the planting altho the rains was not heavy by now tho, the plant was just coming up anyways

This photo was taken today while i seat outside this morning admiring how these little place could blossom so much so green, so fresh, so alive.. Its my joy my pride to see my homestead farmland profuce and blossom so great.

Thanks all for stopping by today, appreciate this times.



well done, mi negro, sustainable farming for you and family, the best way to go