in #hive-1538502 years ago


One Great Lesson

This year has been a lot of things for everyone. And it has been a great teacher in a number of ways. Please share with us one great lesson this year has taught you. And how you came about it.

This is going to be a very short post actually. One great lesson I have leaned this year is this, "WHAT MUST BE KNOWN EVENTUALLY SHOULD BE KNOWN IMMEDIATELY."

I know some of you are probably wondering by now exactly what I mean by what I typed in all caps. Allow me to explain with a couple of examples.

I was supposed to write an exam in April, but it was postponed indefinitely because of the ASUU strike. I knew that this was professional exam and the bulk of the course material is a lot and some of the lecturers in medical school are toxic and I need to find a way around that; I knew all that, but instead of carefully planning to pass, I spent the strike not doing that. Now, that doesn't mean that I entirely wasted the strike, coz I did a bunch of important things during that period, bit regardless, I should've introduced consistent reading into my schedule during that period. I did read a bit, just nowhere near enough. We finally wrote the exam(that spanned three weeks) in November surely after the strike was called off. The results were released about nine days ago and it turns out that I faked one of the papers and will have to resit it in about three months time.

So here's the deal, I knew that I would eventually have to read and pass this course coz there's no moving forward without passing it, but I waited until a month till the exams before that reality sunk in very well and by that time, all the crash reading in this world wasn't enough to save me. What must be known eventually should be known immediately.

I've got a second story which I was a bit reluctant to share that I'll use to illustrate my point. So, around the time the strike started, I met this girl. Actually, I'd known of her and seen her before that day, but we'd never talked before. So we got talking and started seeing, and a few weeks in we started dating. This was my first official relationship ever, I'd never had a girlfriend before her, mostly because I'd heard stories of girls stressing their guys and I wasn't a fan of that shit. I was 23 at the time, I'm 24 now. This girl reminded me of all the reasons why I was so scared and reluctant to get into any relationship in the first place.

About 3 months into the relationship, a good number of toxic traits started to jump out at me and I started to get this gut feeling that we just couldn't work and it was doomed to fail. But you know, as they say, it's the hope that kills.

In the months that followed, I was verbally and emotionally abused beyond measure. She even sent me a text once saying in her exact words "I hope you die. Bastard." She told me I would fail my exams, that I'd die miserable, that is never make money, alongside a slew of other insults. She gaslit me into thinking that I was gaslighting her. It was simply a cesspool of emotional turmoil for me all the way I couldn't take anymore and lost all hope and decided to break it off forever. I have currently changed her contact meme on my phone to "Never again," as a reminder that even if she comes back, I've got no place with her and must never go back. This is because I'd broken up almost 5 times before, but she's come back and beg and explain shit.

There's a whole lot of details that are omitted here, but I think my point has been made. If I had simply trusted my gut and broken it all off after the first few episodes of crazy, I'd have had a lot more peace, I wouldn't be as traumatized, and perhaps if have had more time to myself during the strike to focus on myself and my exams. Instead, I was busy battling demons I didn't create.

This all brings me back to my point of "what must be known eventually should be known immediately." It took me a good number of months to finally know without a doubt that I should leave, when I should've know this wayyy earlier.

"What must be known eventually should be known immediately." I believe this can apply to a wide range of things and themes. If you know that you'll eventually need money, why not start hustling for it now, instead of waiting till what you need it for is knocking on your door. If a girl picks your fancy and you desire a relationship with her(and it's perfectly fine if like me, you don't), then tell her now, as opposed to you buying your fingers when you seeing her in another guy's arms in the next couple of weeks. Be proactive in all your doings and don't take shit from nobody.

I have some more stories of mine that could buttress my point further by I'll just stop it here coz I believe my point has been made.


I know I said at the beginning that this would be a short post😂😂. Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are that that turned out to be false and this post has gotten this long. In fact, I'd say it's definitely the longest piece I've written in the past few months, probably this year. I guess it just buttresses the fact that this was a really great lesson for me this year and I fully intend to hold it as close to my heart as possible going forward.

Happy boxing day to y'all and a happy new year in advance🎄.


Well regarding the time that elapsed during the strike and you were unable to make good use of it and eventually resulted to you failing a paper, it is tragic but something happened to me, though it was not ASUU related, mine was ASUP because I attended a Polytechnic. Our exam was also postponed for weeks due to strike and I just couldn't bring my self to read my books but eventually the exam started my performance was ok but I realised I could have done better if I had focus on my studies during the strike. I guess theory X and Y in management is right, which states that humans prefer pleasure to work. It takes a lot of mental conditioning to stay focused, it happens to the best of us. Don't beat yourself up too much about it, quen sera sera what will be will be.

And regarding that relationship matter, if I'm being truthful I agree with you but I have never made the mistake of using myself to test the theory like you did, relationship of this era is too parasitic and it weighs a lot on the male gender being the sole provider in most relationship especially in Nigeria. I'm glad you called it off, it could have cost you more harm than you could imagine.

I know I said at the beginning that this would be a short post😂😂. Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are that that turned out to be false and this post has gotten this long.

I thought it was going to be a short post also but I kept reading with the hope that it will end soon.😅😅😅🤣😂.

But it was worth my time, thanks for sharing.

Compliments of the season to you.🎄🎄

😂😂😂I'm glad the long post made sense to someone.
As for that relationship one, I don comot hand for that matter. Let me graduate next year first.😂
We go dey alright.💯

I'm glad you learnt your lessons about relationships the hard way😂

I'll take solace in that.