Feliz y bendecido domingo tengan todos ustedes mis queridos y apreciados amigos, es un placer para mí el poder compartir con ustedes en esta nueva oportunidad cuando les traigo unas hermosas fotografías de lo que fue la hermosa celebración del primer añito del pequeño Johander, quién es primo de mis pequeños niños. Como todos sabemos el primer año de nuestros pequeños y la gran alegría y felicidad de celebrarlo es más que todo de nosotros como padres quienes sentimos esa gran ilusión de celebrar ese primer año de vida de nuestros hijos, pues ellos aún son muy pequeños para entenderlo pero se lo disfrutan de igual manera.
Este pequeñín aparte de ser sobrino de mi esposo es muy ha llegado a la familia ya que es nuestro vecino y mi pequeño está muy encariñada con él. Por ser su primer año y ser el primer pequeño de sus padres existía la gran alegría y emoción Por realizar una hermosa celebración por lo que desde hace más de un mes ya se encontraban planificando y elaborando todo lo relacionado con esta decoración y a pesar de la situación económica que estamos pasando actualmente lograron hacer un gran esfuerzo para ahorrar y poder cumplir con todo lo que deseaba ofrecerle a su pequeño en este primer cumpleaños, pues aparte de la gran satisfacción que nos quedará de todo esto también nos quedará un hermoso recuerdo a través de estas fotografías que luego podremos mostrar a nuestro pequeño en el futuro.Happy and blessed Sunday to all of you my dear and appreciated friends, it is a pleasure for me to be able to share with you in this new opportunity when I bring you some beautiful photographs of what was the beautiful celebration of little Johander's first birthday, who is my little children's cousin.
As we all know, the first year of our little ones and the great joy and happiness of celebrating it is more than all of us as parents who feel that great excitement of celebrating that first year of our children's life, since they are still too young to understand it but They enjoy it in the same way.
This little guy, apart from being my husband's nephew, is very close to the family since he is our neighbor and my little one is very fond of him.
Because it was their first year and they were their parents' first little one, there was great joy and excitement about holding a beautiful celebration, so for more than a month they had already been planning and preparing everything related to this decoration and despite the situation economic situation that we are currently going through, they managed to make a great effort to save and be able to fulfill everything they wanted to offer their little one on this first birthday, because apart from the great satisfaction that we will have from all this, we will also have a beautiful memory through These photographs that we can then show to our little one in the future.
So at 5 in the afternoon this small celebration began, which I attended with my little ones, my 3-year-old princess and my 8-year-old little boy, who were eager to go to their cousin's birthday party. We arrived a little late because I was buying a small gift to bring to little Johander, but when my daughter and I arrived we were totally surprised and delighted with the beautiful decoration they had made.
As you can see a spectacular decoration.
So I couldn't help but take some photographs of this beautiful decoration. And of course my little ones posing in it. I didn't manage to capture a photograph of the little one in this decoration because he was very restless and tearful.
So between snacks, dances and raffles, all the guests had a great time sharing and celebrating this beautiful day with the family. The children felt great excitement when they participated in games such as the chair game and whoever danced the best.
Also, of course, the piñata could not be missed, in which only the youngest children participated, but they all got a lot of candy and those who didn't also received something from the birthday boy's parents.
As the child continued to be very restless because he is also a little sick with the flu, at around 8:30 at night we sang birthday and shared a delicious cake accompanied by a delicious chocolate and gelatin donut, here I was able to capture the little one in the arms of his parents while we sang Happy Birthday to him.
Todas las Fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi Celular Redmi 9And that's how we spent a wonderful afternoon celebrating the first year of life of this little angel, a super beautiful and very emotional celebration in addition to being very familiar, which is the most important thing to celebrate these moments of happiness with the family.
My dear friends I hope that these beautiful photographs are to the liking of all of you because today, as I know how to share a little of our day with all of you, I say goodbye for this opportunity, thanking you for your visit.
All Photos are my authorship and were taken with my Redmi 9 Cellphone