The words that my ears heard made me reflect at that moment and let this person very dear to me know that every stumble leaves us with a lesson, an experience, in general an experience and every experience is a learning and every learning is a component of life that remains engraved in our mind and that does not make us start from scratch when we get up and continue with our eagerness to finish what we started doing.
At that moment I was encouraged to engage in a dialogue with this person and my first words to this person were the following:
— Do you remember your journey before you tripped and fell?
Staring at me, he answered:
— If I remember.
His face was very saddened and disoriented by what had happened, I continued with the following words.
— Did you learn anything from that fall?
Almost stammering, he answered me as follows:
— I remember that everything was going well and suddenly things started to go wrong, maybe I was overconfident and I was not paying attention to what I was doing.
As I heard those words from my friend my mind focused on the following words.
— You already have it my friend, you have detailed what has been your failure in the process that has made you feel as you are now, you have obtained a valuable learning that accumulates to your experience and this will not allow you to start from scratch, you already have the arguments to prevent this from happening again.
Do not be afraid to restart your walk to what you want to achieve, react again and continue accumulating experiences in everything you do, you will see later how everything was necessary to correct some details that made you stumble until you fall and from this you learn even more than when things always go well, my words caused a remarkable relief to my great friend and in fact to me too, this is something I remember every day of my life and I share it whenever I can.