I love the green and purple color of ornamental plants ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

in #hive-117778 โ€ข 7 months ago


Enjoying free time apart from taking care of housework and children, ornamental plants are self-healing for me personally. I once read that color can influence the behavior of our daily lives, and I think there is some truth to that.

Menikmati waktu luang selain mengurusi pekerjaan rumah dan anak-anak, tanaman hias menjadi self healing bagi saya pribadi. Saya pernah membaca, warna dapat mempengaruhi perilaku kehidupan kita sehari-hari, dan aku rasa hal itu ada benarnya juga.

I like green and purple, these two colors have their own philosophy and are of course different. Like green; it is closely related to nature, fresh, beautiful and of course symbolizes fertility, and is even healthy for the eyes. I feel that, when I feel tired from all day's activities at home, cleaning green plants provides a very natural reflex and relaxation.

Aku suka warna hijau dan ungu,kedua warna ini memiliki filosofi tersendiri dan tentu saja berbeda. Seperti warna hijau; ia sangat berkaitan dengan alam, segar, asri dan tentu saja melambangkan kesuburan, bahkan sehat bagi mata. Aku merasakannya, disaat penat terasa dalam aktivitas seharian di rumah, membersihkan tanaman yang berwarna hijau memberi refleks dan rileks yang sangat alamiah.

Apart from ornamental plants, I also plant cayenne pepper, yes I think it can be used for cooking needs and is useful for the kitchen. So for consumption I don't need to buy it at the market.

Selain ornamental plant, aku juga menanam cabe rawit, ya menurutku bisa dipakai untuk kebutuhan memasak dan bermanfaat untuk dapur. Jadi untuk konsumsi aku tidak perlu membelinya di pasar.






In contrast to the color green which symbolizes fertility and beauty, the color purple also contains a philosophy that is no less interesting to study together.

Berbeda dengan warna hijau yang melambangkan kesuburan dan asri, warna ungu juga terdapat filosopi yang tidak kalah menarik untuk dikaji bersama.

Well, if it's purple; it usually symbolizes elegance and luxury. That said; Previously, this purple color could only be used by the nobility, this was because this color was made from expensive materials at that time, and of course only the bourgeoisie could dream of the elegance and luxury of the past.

Nah, kalau warna ungu; ia biasanya melambangkan keanggunan dan kemewahan. Konon; warna ungu ini dulunya hanya bisa digunakan oleh kalangan bangsawan, hal itu dikarenakan warna ini dibuat dari bahan-bahan yang mahal pada masanya, dan tentu saja hanya kalangan borjuis yang mampu mengimpikan keanggunan dan kemewahan pada masa lalu.









So it is not surprising that purple is also found in special plants, such as orchids and so on. That's a little review and sharing about the philosophy of color in plants this time, hopefully we can have the opportunity to discuss other beautiful colors ๐Ÿฅฐ

Maka tidak heran jika warna ungu pun terdapat pada tanaman-tanaman khusus, seperti pada tanaman anggrek dan lain sebagainya. Itulah sedikit ulasan dan berbagi tentang filosofi warna pada tanaman kali ini, semoga bisa berkesempatan membahas warna indah lainnya ๐Ÿฅฐ

Who is ericha?

Erika Fridayani is my fullname, I am a teacher and just a wife with two children. On Hive just want to share of blog I have every day and hope get many new friend. You also could see my first post on hive here

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