I found no place to hide 🙊

in #hive-1641662 years ago

There are many moments in life that we laugh at for the rest of our lives. My grandmother used to tell me so many stories of her time which makes me laugh because the stories of her time were very funny in that time but it is not like what is happening in our time. The next generation will find those things very funny. There are so many incidents that happen to me and make me laugh out loud.

I am the most naughty child in my house. I was very pampered since childhood so I was not scolded much for my mischief. Now I am 22 years old and I still make everyone laugh a lot with my mischief. There are many incidents that make me laugh and bit embarrassed now.


A few days ago, I and my family went to my grandmother's house for a vacation. Grandma is not alive but my uncles are there so I have a lot of fun with their children. A family came to my uncle's house who are my uncle's friends. After dinner we all went out for a walk. I get a little bored in the company of adults, so I was walking in my thoughts while everyone else was talking to each other.

I am very much a babysitter of my father and I often have a habit of holding his hand whenever I go for a walk with him because he gets out of breath very quickly so as soon as he starts to walk slowly, I guess they are tired. I give them water and we sit for a while.

Now I was walking lost in my thoughts and everyone else was talking among themselves. My uncle's friends who are the same age as my father were walking with me. I held his hand mistaking him for my father because it was dark enough and did not realize that I held the hand of the wrong person.

The whole family was walking behind me. They all started laughing at me. At first I didn't understand, I thought maybe they were laughing while talking to each other, but when they kept laughing for two minutes, I suddenly looked back and everyone was pointing at me. I can't tell you how embarrassed I was when I saw my hand holding that of my uncle's friend and I couldn't find any place to hide my face.

I was completely still. I didn't know what to say and what to do. Well, I apologized to him and he smiled and put his hand on my head and said, "No problem, daughter, I am just like your father, but even this did not reduce my shame and my heart wanted to go home immediately."

At that time, this seemed very embarrassing, but now when I think about it, I laugh a lot. It is very important to have such events in life. They add color to our lives and teach us how to live. Now, when I go in front of uncle again, I will not be ashamed, but I will be laughed at. My whole family still laughs at me for this and now I laugh too.

Kind regards;

Thank you for reading my post.




Hahahahaha. I can understand the shame attached to this act. And when there are so many family members around you seeing you doing such an act mistakenly, the embarrassment takes the hype. Oooooops! How you would have catered with it. I can't imagine....

Your jokes will get less funny as you grow older, trust me😂😂😂😂

I completely agree with you 😂

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hahaha such scosas happen frequently. At least it was an acquaintance and not someone random on the street who might think you wanted something else hahaha.

Hahahah it was really embarrassing but I'm glad that at least I hold a hand of someone whom I know 😂

It is always a pleasure to go through this community and find funny situations of the users. A few days ago I almost died, but I didn't die, so I'm alive and I'm leaving you this comment. Thanks for bringing these anecdotes and making us laugh for free without paying for tickets ha,ha,ha,ha. Really before my friends while I was talking they would take off and leave me talking to anyone. Later I will bring my anecdote of the trip where I almost did not return home, surely at this moment they would be watching over me, what they do when you die and everyone comes to see you, even people who never saw you come to have coffee and eat something for free ha,ha,ha at the wake, I almost died of mountain sickness @eschacheema786

Siempre es grato pasar por esta comunidad y encontrar situaciones chistosas de los usuarios. Hace algunos días casi muero, pero no me morí, así que estoy viva y te estoy dejando este comentario. Gracias por traer estas anécdotas y hacernos reír de gratis sin pagar entradas ja,ja,ja. De verdad antes mis amigas mientras yo estaba hablando ellas se quitaban y me dejaban hablando con cualquiera. Luego traeré mi anécdota del viaje donde casi no vuelvo a mi hogar, seguro en este momento estarían velándome, eso que hacen cuando mueres y todos vienen a verte, hasta personas que nunca te vieron pasan para tomar café y comer algo de gratis ja,ja,ja en el velorio, casi muero de mal de montaña @eshacheema786.

I pray for your long life. You are absolutely right that after death those people also come to meet us who may not even like to call us while alive. Life is very difficult, but with it there is beauty, so we should live openly. I am waiting for such a funny story from you too, I am sure you will have many funny stories to tell ;) @lisfabian