Life doesn't stop for anyone

in #hive-1641662 years ago



Our failures are different at every point in this difficult journey of life. Life is so merciless that it stops for no one. It goes on and on and we feel that it is our biggest loss in life but when we think about it after some years we laugh because at that time it seems so trivial to us. Some children mature very early and some very late. Those who become wise quickly accept the realities of life. They do not depend on anyone but trust in themselves and that is a great thing.

If I talk about myself, I have always been very pampered and I have achieved what I wanted in life, but things have become very different for me as I approach the difficult journey of life. I have always trusted people. I have been cheated so many times in my life that I can't even count, but the strange thing is that I still don't get wise. I have been most deceived in friendship. I am a very friendly girl. Always put friendship first but friends always gave me less importance.


When I was in school, my friend cheated me for the first time, my family told me that if I go to college, I will get more good friends. Then I went to college and made new friends there, hoping that they might be my life-long companions, but alas, I was wrong. I made friends and trusted blindly but they cheated me so much that it took months to get over me.

The loveliest part of childhood is that we can tell everything to our elders, we can cry openly. When we start to grow up, we start to hide our things. We need a separate place to cry. Our personality gets faked. Learn to live with a smiling face and a sad soul. The teenage years are very painful. We always try to find happiness in others even though we know that real happiness can only be achieved by giving priority to ourselves but human beings are prone to mistakes.

I had always heard that man is man's worst enemy and now I saw all this with my own eyes and it was very painful. If the injury is on your body, it is possible to treat it, the pain will go away in a few days, but the injury on the human soul does not go away so easily. We feel their pain throughout our life and slowly we start to die from within but when someone comes in our life who motivates us and teaches us to love ourselves, then only then does our life turn around.

There are many losses in life, but life does not stop. Every time it feels that life must end now but this merciless time is no one's friend. With time every pain goes and thus we grow up with all this stuff. Allah made us better than animals but our actions are worse than animals. That's why I like to be alone. If you don't expect from anyone, there will be no pain. All this will continue until the last breath, but life does not stop for anyone.

These are some of my thoughts and personal life experiences.

Kind regards;

Thank you for reading my post.



Hello @eshacheema786 🙂

Like you said in the conclusion if your post, it is your thoughts and personal life experience... Not a comedy post.

So it really doesn't fit into this community.

And for the image, you should get your images from free sites like, or Images from Google aren't free to use.

I can see that you're still very new to Hive, I hope you get more acquainted with communities that fits your write ups.

Do come back with your comedy post, we would be happy to laugh about it 😊

Opsss so sorry I was misguided. I'll post accordingly from now.