A blurred mirror and a story behind this picture 🧡💜

in #hive-1470102 months ago


It has been a really exhausting two days with very little sleep. The reason? well, our cross in the house, which we have had to carry for a long year. It is a problem that we think has no end, and when we think it is, it surprises us again.

Luckily we managed to overcome this stage of problems again, which I will be telling you more about in a future post. Today I also gave my second class from home and this photo was taken at the end of the day.

The objectives of this week were met and I feel super happy, exhausted but happy. Well, although one was left pending, to leave this mirror shiny hahaha I cleaned it but it was still marked. Still doesn't cut my moment of happiness.💜🧡

Han sido dos días realmente agotadores en los que he dormido muy poco. La razón? bueno, nuestra cruz en la casa, que nos ha tocado cargarla durante un largo año. Es un problema que pensamos no tiene fin, y cuando así pensamos que es, nos vuelve a sorprender.

Por suerte logramos nuevamente superar esta etapa de problemas, que en un próximo post les estaré contando mejor. Hoy también di mi segunda clase desde casa y está foto la tome finalizando la jornada.

Se cumplieron los objetivos de esta semana y me siento súper feliz, agotada pero feliz. Bueno aunque quedó uno pendiente, dejar este espejo reluciente jajaja lo limpié pero quedó igual marcado. Igual no corta mi momento de felicidad. 💜🧡

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Gracias por el apoyo amigos