Idea de almuerzo: Arroz con zanahoria, carne con vegetales y plátanos fritos || Lunch idea: Rice with carrots, meat with vegetables and fried plantains ♥

in #hive-120586last year

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¡Hola Chicos!

En los últimos días he estado elaborando lo más sencillos posibles, pero cargados de sabor. Hoy quiero compartirles uno de esos almuerzos que he denominado "almuerzo en capas", ya que consiste en apilar todos los elementos del plato en capas y al comer cada bocado ya estarás probando un poco de cada uno, sin necesidad de mezclarlos.

Esta vez mi tiempo en la cocina fue mucho más rápido porque ya tenía cocinada la carne con los vegetales. Me gusta hacer los guisos de las carnes en abundancia, para que así me sobre comida y pueda guardar porciones para los días siguientes.

Es algo que me ha funcionado súper y que quiero recomendarles aplicarlo, ya que nos ahorra full tiempo en la cocina que podemos dedicar a otras cositas.

En otra oportunidad le doy más tips al respecto, por ahora les contaré brevemente como hice este delicioso y fácil almuerzo.

Hello Guys!

For the past few days I've been making as simple as possible, but loaded with flavor. Today I want to share with you one of those lunches that I have called "layered lunch", as it consists of stacking all the elements of the dish in layers and as you eat each bite you will already be tasting a bit of each one, without the need to mix them.

This time my time in the kitchen was much faster because I already had the meat cooked with the vegetables. I like to make the meat stews in abundance, so that I have plenty of food left over and can save portions for the following days.

It's something that has worked great for me and that I want to recommend you to apply it, since it saves us a lot of time in the kitchen that we can dedicate to other things.

In another opportunity I will give you more tips about it, for now I will tell you briefly how I made this delicious and easy lunch.

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Para hacer el arroz, lo sofreí en una olla con un poco de aceite y la zanahoria, la cual rallé por el lado más grande.

Cuando el arroz selló le agregué el agua y cociné a fuego medio. Al estar casi seco coloqué la tapa y dejé cocinar por algunos minutos más.


To make the rice, I sautéed it in a pot with a little oil and the carrot, which I grated on the larger side.

When the rice was sealed I added the water and cooked over medium heat. When it was almost dry I put the lid on and let it cook for a few more minutes.

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La carne como les comenté la había cocinado días antes, así que solo tuve que sacarla y calentarla.

Esta es una carne molida que cociné con cebolla, tomate, puerro, ajo y algunos condimentos.

Los vegetales los sofreí primero en aceite y luego licué. Sofreí la carne, agregué el puré de vegetales y condimenté.

The meat as I mentioned had been cooked days before, so I just had to take it out and heat it up.

This is a ground beef that I cooked with onion, tomato, leek, garlic and some seasonings.

I sautéed the vegetables first in oil and then blended. I sautéed the meat, added the vegetable puree and seasoned.

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Para acompañar todo eso preparé unas tajadas fritas de plátano maduro, que le dan ese toque dulce especial al plato.

Ya con todo listo es momento de armar. Coloqué una capa del arroz con zanahoria, luego la carne, la cual distribuí por toda la superficie y luego coloqué las tajadas de plátano.


To accompany all this I prepared some fried slices of ripe plantain, which give that special sweet touch to the dish.

Now that everything is ready, it's time to assemble. I placed a layer of rice with carrots, then the meat, which I distributed over the entire surface, and then I placed the plantain slices.


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Como broche de oro, rallé queso blanco en la superficie del plato y así quedo listo para disfrutar.

Este almuerzo a pesar de lo sencillo que puede lucir es súper completo y además esta lleno de sabor.

Espero les haya gustado la idea y les sirva de inspiración para sus siguientes preparaciones. ♥


As a finishing touch, I grated white cheese on the surface of the dish and it was ready to enjoy.

This lunch, as simple as it may look, is super complete and full of flavor.

I hope you liked the idea and that it will serve as inspiration for your next preparations. ♥


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¡Gracias por leer, comentar y votar mi contenido!
Espero haya sido de tu agrado y provecho.
Un gran abrazo a todos, y nos leemos en un próximo post
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Att: Estefania Garcia ♥

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Fotografías tomadas con un Moto G31
Texto traducido en Google ImTranslate v.14.27


Wow! Truly a layered lunch. Like in one plate, someone could taste at least four flavors and that is a lot already. For sure, this is something to try on. Thank you for sharing this sumptuous food recipe.

Yes, exactly. My dish is prepared in layers and every bite will be loaded with all the flavors in it. I'm glad you liked the dish and I hope you can make it soon. ☺️❤️

Looking Yummy

Thanks ☺️✨

I think you prepared this recipe perfectly. There's best and vegetables which is good for us. Your dish looks appetizing.

I love cooking with vegetables. I think it's what brings flavor and nutrients to our dishes. When I don't use them it's because the situation doesn't allow me to at the moment but then I replenish all that with vegetable bombs in my dishes 😄 I'm glad you liked the dish. Greetings and a big hug 🤗

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Wow this is looking so yummy and i really love the result of the cooking, i feel like preparing my own too soon hopefully

Glad you liked it and hope you can make it soon 😊✨.

Sure i will soonest