Three love in a lifetime,
Life presents us with.
Life gives us three chances to love.
Our first love
The hard love
Silent love
We either lose all three or pick one.
Which would you prefer?
Our first love comes at a young age
It's always vibrant, It's always feisty
It's always full of energy
It always gives butterflies and giggles.
You both grow apart,
Quit it over frivolous things.
When you grow older, you look back
You think it wasn't love, but it was.
Hard love presents you with difficulties.
It teaches you lessons
Makes you stronger.
It's tough, it's rough, it's painful.
It comes with pain, lies, betrayal, and abuse.
Then you realize what love is meant to be
You know the difference between a good and a bad partner.
You know exactly what you want.
Silent love comes without warning.
It creeps up on you silently.
You don't go looking for it, it comes to you.
Your walls may be reinforced, it's eventually get broken down
You care without trying, it comes naturally.
They look nothing like your crush or expectations.
You see beauty in their imperfections
Eventually, you crave having a family with them.
Where are you at with love now?
Found what you are looking for?
Have you evolved?
Are you stronger now?
Do you know what love is now?
Stop looking for the right person
Work on becoming the right person
Remember pain is part of growing.
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