Democrats NEED a War with Russia to Survive

in #deepdives3 years ago

It Will Cause MILLIONS of Deaths But They Are Evil Enough to Do it

Best I can recall in the last sixty or so years almost every time the political party in control get's in trouble they start a war. The legacy republicans do it too, not as much as the democrats but the Rinos do it all the same.

At the moment the Democrat party is facing extinction as a party. People are stupid but they're not THAT stupid when they see what inflation is doing to them. Not even the most idiotic 'women's studies' graduate can refute what's happenning to them or what the cause of it is.

Um...I may have misspoke. People who are stupid enough to take 'gender and women's studies' are stupid enough to believe anything, even climate change.

But I digress. Biden doesn't want a war. President houseplant just wants to got home to delaware and take a nap. One of the reason's he so cranky is that his managers won't let him. They want him to give speechs which is really annoying since he can barely read the teleprompter. The good part about the bad part is that sometimes there are little girls in the audience. Biden really likes little girls. One of the last speeches he made, when it was over he took off after one. Did he want to ask her out for a date? His handlers were not pleased. The little girl's parent's even less so.

The Biden White House, fake news media, Big Tech and Democrats are doing all they can to start a US war against nuclear power.
A war with Russia would be bad. Very bad. It might start with tactical but soon enough it would escalate to Strategic. Thanks to the democrats, during the Strategic Arms Limitations talks a few decades ago the Russians have more strategic nukes than we have. A strategic nuke is one that the russians can launch, it will then go suborbital, and take out Washington DC.

Awwww. That would be too bad.

Er. I mean, a war with russia would be a very bad thing. Not to mention that when the ICBM's start flying and our attention is focused on Russia, China will likely get into the act. Perhaps Pakistan and North Korea would like to play too.
