RE: Crypto: The Fear Of Losing & Other Financial Perspectives

in #leofinance2 years ago

Another one is the negative views and opinions of people out there who are trying to demarket crypto

Yeah, and I think half of them must live in my area, which is why I call this place a "crypto desert" :)

There's not much you can do with such Luddites and God knows I've tried. I could understand the hesitation back in 2009/2010, but not now.

You can't get anywhere without being willing to take risks. I'm about to make a significant (for me) investment in a token and it might do well or bottom the hell out, but I'm willing to take the educated risk that it just might pay off.

And that's what separates the sheep from the goats. There are those of us into Hive and LeoFinance for the long haul and we're not going anywhere.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You can't get anywhere without being willing to take risks. I'm about to make a significant (for me) investment in a token and it might do well or bottom the hell out, but I'm willing to take the educated risk that it just might pay off

I wish you well with this because the truth is that it's either you bottom out or you make it big, the fact that it's a reasonable or educated risk definitely counts for something. But it's difficult to be around people who are negative towards Crypto. It's an uphill task to be around them, sometimes, we might just end up doubting ourselves.
As for those of us in Leofinance, you're right, we're in this for the long haul, I think the reason is because Leofinance and hive are just in their early days and we've not seen how far and how much we can accomplish.