FungiFriday - Queen of the woods

in #hive-1513272 years ago

Amanita pantherina pl 4.jpg

The woods in the early fall are amazing (and it is probably my favourite time of the year to go there)! When the weather is not so hot anymore and it starts to rain more often the mushrooms are popping like crazy. I managed to catch the perfect combo recently in Poland. Stunning woods were calling me and I could not resist. Not even mosquitos, spiders and ticks could scare me off.

Yes - I have huge folder filled with fungi that will last me for while :)

Amanita pantherina pl 6.jpgAmanita pantherina pl 8.jpg

The closest woods to my house is relatively young and besides some edible ones that I picked, it was filled with the large Amanitas. I just can't figure out which one is it. Google shows me similar images for Amanita brunnescens and Amanita pantherina. Any help is appreciated :)
Or is it not Amanita at all?

Amanita pantherina pl 3.jpg

Amanita pantherina pl 5.jpg

It doesn't even matter much what mushrooms it is. It was stunning with the flipped hat and exposed gills.

Amanita pantherina pl 1.jpg

I mentioned the woods are great. Mostly pines with some lower bushes. Clean, with sin shining though and plenty of green moss around. And all that just 10 min walk from home :D

Amanita pantherina pl 7.jpg

Looks like camera liked the little cones more 👇

Amanita pantherina pl 2.jpg

How to join #FungiFriday:

  • when Friday comes (UTC time) post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, I will check and report stolen images or text!)
  • add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)
  • Include "My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw" anywhere in your post.

Among all the correct entries I will pick the best, most interesting, most creative posts. Those will be included in the challenge Summary Post published during the weekend.
100% of the Summary Post payout will be split between the featured users.
To participate in this part, the post has to be published from the FungiFriday Community.

Happy FungiFriday!

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

mushrooms footer.jpg


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Really excellent so beautiful photography of fungi. You are photography is always good

Thanks a lot :)

Beautiful photos, very beautiful!

Thank you :)

Ooooooh, the queen of the woods is beautiful! And, what is that colour? that colour... we forgot how does it look like in our Iberian peninsula... greee...aha, GREEN!!! 💚

Yep... That's what GREEN looks like :D


🥦 :D

Yay, great idea, I think that the boys will love to have broccoli 🥦 for lunch! 🥦🥦🥦
I will let them know that I got the idea from you 😉


Oh crap 😬
It was a cookie. A broccoli cookie!

it's late now... 🥦


Ow! A wild mushroom! I often see one when rainy days in some areas of our place but I know that it's not safe to eat. They are just popping out of nowhere!

Don't eat. Shoot them :D

Great photos!

My favorite time of the year is spring too.
And I love the forest and the smell of pines! You must have felt it while walking on it :-)

I actually like any time of the year as long as it is below 25 degrees C :P
So summer is not my most favourite time.

I like it when the temperature is +25-26, not higher :-)
But spring is my favorite time of the year.

the mushrooms are really amazing, the editing is very good I really like it

Thanks :)
Hardly any editing here. It's all the lens.

all the photos of @ewkaw are amazing, I want photos like @ewkaw,👍

There are some similarities in the weather in my area with the place you are referring to, after a long wait for rain it is now raining and the forest/plants are growing normally again. Even Fungi which are classified as young plants grow madly wherever they are, they show their beauty to everyone.

The fall rains are almost like magic :) Everything is alive for a moment just to die again before the winter.

Yeah, looks like they're creating beauty on a simple point.

Beautiful natural parabola, as you said, no matter what mushrooms it is they remain beautiful with an inverted hat, I laughed reading it😅

Happy fungi friday,sir

I am glad you like it :)

I can't wait for Friday to come again😅

Gorgeous photos! I've been waiting for these mushrooms to show up but I haven't seen any yet. I guess in a week or two they might start popping up in the forest. 😊 Also, I have only seen them around hazel trees. Have you noticed a specific environment there where you found them?

To forest is mostly pines and some leafy bushes. I could be that there are some hazel around, but I didn't pay attention to that :p

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