A Picture is worth a Thousand Words- My Entry

in #hive-1611553 years ago

When I saw this picture honestly I thought that if I was to write the only words I can muster would be....

But I finally brought myself to try and decide what emotion this picture above brought to me. I came to a conclusion that I need not but one word "Confusion."
Although it is well illustrated I think i am missing the point that the illustrator is trying to give, to me this is just quite abstract. Wow @freewritehouse this is a really tough one(for me anyway). It I'm gonna give it a try cause I love a good challenge

What I see in this picture is a bunch of weird creatures on some far away planet but I also see this as a fragment of an imaginative writer. Let me further explain my point in the form of a story.......

Hello my name is Richard of Freewriters inc.You must look at the picture and wonder how did this come to be what is this illustration how did this come about well it started on a Friday evening......

"Good morning sir". "Morning Richie." I'm on my way to the office. And I'm kind of running late could you give me a ride. "What was that couldn't hear you gotta go see you at work.....oh and also don't be late."

You see here at Freewriters we write about interesting happening in the city people don't need local news any information you would like to get anywhere on your community we got it. Yes sir Freewriters inc is one of the most important companies in the city and is really important to the society that's why people love or so much. Tho the same can not be said about the workers here at Freewriters see we work at the Freewritehouse were all the information is distributed to all members of the communities it may seem like tre perfectly place to work but it is infact the Worst dead end job in the world 24/7 we are forced to write and create new content. Most of us write about their daily lives while others just write fictional stories there really isn't anything you can't write about here. Your as free as a bird. I work as a senior producer my reputation is quite high on the company and today I decided to write the best story of all time something not just fiction something that would finally make me enough money to finally be able to quit and love my life normally.

"We're closing up for the day Richie you can go home"."No I think I want to write one more thing before I go home". "What? You want more of this whatever it's your funeral".

That night I created a story a story that would top all stories a story of a far way planet were the inhabitants have amazing Technology and at far more advanced beings. Here is a paragraph from my story.....


Sector 462 seemed to be ready for war and we were prepared to go into battle and fight for our people. But one thing held us back; the thought of loosing and surrendering our machines to them. We all knew they would use it for evil and would go on to destroy the rest of the galaxy".

This story needed illustration and so therefore I tried Day and night to come up with he perfect illustration. Then one night in
My dreams the sketch for the perfect one came to me and I was able to create and fully complete my story.

So you see no abnormal story connected to this picture just a man trying to write a story. And it brings me joy to see that even the new age of Freewriters are using my work to this present day. Although I have no idea why people would still want to be on Freewriters don't you find it stressful.... Wait a minute what is this???? Zapfic write me a story in 240 characters???! What?? Wait there's also 50 words Since when did writing become so easy no wander people are still joining Freewriters.

I hope you excel in Whatever you do.


A very creative entry about the Freewriters Inc. 👍

Thank you I had fun writing it

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