Cone-shaped Rice (Nasi Tumpeng) with Sambal Potatoes, Fried Tempeh, Fried Sausages, Fried Noodles, Omelet Slices, Sambal, ​​Tomato Slices

in #hive-1205863 years ago


In this post, I share the recipe for Cone-shaped Rice with Sambal Potatoes, Fried Tempeh, Fried Sausages, Fried Noodles, Omelet Slices, Sambal, ​​Tomato Slices that I made a few days ago. I'm very satisfied with what I made.

The cone-shaped rice that I made was yellow rice. I made the yellow rice with Bamboe Spices - Yellow Rice.

Di postingan ini, aku berbagi resep Nasi Tumpeng dengan Kentang Sambal, Tempe Goreng, Sosis Goreng, Mi Goreng, Irisan Telur Dadar, Sambal, Irisan Tomat yang kubuat beberapa hari lalu. Aku puas sekali dengan yang kubuat.

Nasi tumpeng yang kubuat adalah nasi kuning. Aku membuat nasi kuningnya dengan Bumbu Bamboe - Nasi Kuning.





Yellow Rice:

● Bamboe Spices - Yellow Rice
● About 400 grams of rice
● About 115 ml of coconut milk ready to use
● About 550 ml of water
● 2 bay leaves
● 2 lime leaves
● 2 pandan leaves

Nasi Kuning:

● Bumbu Bamboe - Nasi Kuning
● Sekitar 400 gram beras
● Sekitar 115 ml santan kelapa siap pakai
● Sekitar 550 ml air
● 2 lembar daun salam
● 2 lembar daun jeruk
● 2 lembar daun pandan

Sambal Potatoes:

● 4 potatoes
● Salt
● Cooking oil
● Chili paste
● Sugar
● Tamarind

Kentang Sambal:

● 4 buah kentang
● Garam
● Minyak goreng
● Pasta cabai
● Gula
● Asam jawa

Fried Tempeh:

● Tempeh Pieces
● Cooking oil

Tempe Goreng:

● Potongan-potongan tempe
● Minyak goreng

Fried Sausages:

● 3 sausages
● Cooking oil

Sosis Goreng:

● 3 buah sosis
● Minyak goreng

Fried Noodles:

● 1 sachet of Indomie - Instant Noodles - Fried Noodles (contains noodles, seasoning, chili powder, oil, and sweet soy sauce)

Mi Goreng:

● 1 saset Indomie - Mi Instan - Mi Goreng (berisi mi, bumbu, cabe bubuk, minyak, dan kecap manis)

Omelet Slices:

● 2 eggs
● Salt
● Cooking oil

Irisan Telur Dadar:

● 2 buah telur
● Garam
● Minyak goreng


● 20 cayenne pepper
● Garlic (1 or 2)
● Shallot (1 or 2)
● Salt
● Hot cooking oil


● 20 cabai rawit
● Bawang putih (1 atau 2)
● Bawang merah (1 atau 2)
● Garam
● Minyak goreng panas

Other Ingredient:

● Tomato

Bahan Lain:

● Tomat



Yellow Rice:

● Wash about 400 grams of rice. Put the rice into the inner pot of the rice cooker/ magic com.
● Mix about 115 ml of coconut milk ready to use and about 550 ml of water.
● Add Bamboe Spices - Yellow Rice. Stir.
● Put the mixture of coconut milk ready to use, water, and Bamboe Spices - Yellow Rice into the inner pot. Add 2 bay leaves, 2 lime leaves, and 2 pandan leaves.
● Cook in the rice cooker/ magic com, stir occasionally.

Nasi Kuning:

● Cuci bersih sekitar 400 gram beras. Masukkan beras ke inner pot-nya rice cooker/ magic com.
● Campurkan sekitar 115 ml santan kelapa siap pakai dan sekitar 550 ml air.
● Tambahkan Bumbu Bamboe - Nasi Kuning. Aduk.
● Masukkan campuran santan kelapa siap pakai, air, dan Bumbu Bamboe - Nasi Kuning ke inner pot. Tambahkan 2 lembar daun salam, 2 lembar daun jeruk, dan 2 lembar daun pandan.
● Masak di rice cooker/ magic com, aduk sesekali.


My result at that time:

Hasilku waktu itu:


Sambal Potatoes:

● Wash 4 potatoes, peel the skins. Wash the potatoes. Cut the potatoes into pieces. Wash the potato pieces. Add salt. Stir.
● Fry the potato pieces in cooking oil.
● Stir-fry the chili paste, salt, sugar, tamarind with cooking oil. Turn off the heat, let stand for a few minutes.
● Add fried potato pieces. Stir.

Kentang Sambal:

● Cuci 4 buah kentang, kupas kulitnya. Cuci kentang-kentangnya. Potong-potong kentang. Cuci potongan-potongan kentang. Tambahkan garam. Aduk-aduk.
● Goreng potongan-potongan kentang dengan minyak goreng.
● Tumis pasta cabai, garam, gula, asam jawa dengan minyak goreng. Matikan api, diamkan selama beberapa menit.
● Tambahkan potongan-potongan kentang goreng. Aduk.


My result at that time:

Hasilku waktu itu:


Fried Tempeh:

● Fry the tempeh pieces in cooking oil.

Tempe Goreng:

● Goreng potongan-potongan tempe dengan minyak goreng.


Fried Sausages:

● Cut 3 sausages into pieces. Fry with cooking oil.

Sosis Goreng:

● Potong-potong 3 buah sosis. Goreng dengan minyak goreng.


Fried Noodles:

● Put seasoning, chili powder, oil, and sweet soy sauce on the plate.
● Add noodles (already boiled). Stir.

Mi Goreng:

● Taruh bumbu, cabe bubuk, minyak, dan kecap manis ke piring.
● Tambahkan mi (sudah direbus terlebih dahulu). Aduk.


Omelet Slices:

● Crack 2 eggs, add salt, beat. Fry in cooking oil and then put on a plate (at that time I divided into 2, namely frying some and then frying the rest). Slice with a knife.

Irisan Telur Dadar:

● Pecahkan 2 buah telur, tambahkan garam, kocok. Goreng dengan minyak goreng lalu taruh ke piring (waktu itu aku membagi 2, yaitu menggoreng sebagian lalu menggoreng sisanya). Iris-iris dengan pisau.



● Grind 20 cayenne pepper, garlic (1 or 2) and shallot (1 or 2) that have been boiled, salt, and hot cooking oil.


● Ulek 20 cabai rawit, bawang putih (1 atau 2) dan bawang merah (1 atau 2) yang sudah direbus, garam, dan minyak goreng panas.


Mold a portion of Yellow Rice into Cone-shaped Rice.

Cetak sebagian Nasi Kuning menjadi Nasi Tumpeng.







Put the sambal potatoes, fried tempeh, fried noodles, omelet slices, sambal, fried sausages, and tomato slices near the cone-shaped rice, create your own locations.

Letakkan kentang sambal, tempe goreng, mie goreng, irisan telur dadar, sambal, sosis goreng, dan irisan tomat di dekat nasi tumpeng, kreasikan sendiri letak-letak-nya.








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Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Nasi Kuning is delicious for breakfast ... yummy ...

Yesss... thank you for stopping by

Wow this is looking yummy and inviting, am certain it's gonna be delicious.

Yes the food is delicious... thank you for stopping by and commenting

You're welcome. Stay bless.

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