Badminton (Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well: Prompt #17)

in #hive-1707982 years ago
Although many days of life are memorable days, but if asked to keep any day in a special category, then I especially remember one day of my life, when I was only 15 years old, my father was an officer and he was transferred to a city whose name I had not even heard of.

My father had reached that place a week before after the transfer to make arrangements for the house etc. for our stay, and he returned from there and told us that the city was a very undeveloped city and there after evening Life ends.

Whereas the place where we were at the very vibrant place and there was complete noise from morning till night. But now nothing could be done and we had to go there. So our family reached the new city with all our belongings.

Our government bungalow was in a very secluded place and there was only one other bungalow apart from ours, in which the government officials of some other department and their families were living.

In the name of Courtesy, that family reached our house to meet us in the morning, their family consisted of a husband, wife and their two daughters, all four of them stayed with us for about 1 hour, and they told us that there is only one badminton court was made in the name of entertainment. Their daughters sometimes play badminton in the evening.

I was just new and was shy because of being in a new environment, but both of those girls invited me to play badminton, to avoid them but I told them that I do not know how to play badminton, while I Was a perfect player of badminton of my previous school.

The same day evening both those girls again called me to come to the playground, I reached there hesitatingly. She got busy in the game and I kept on watching her game as a mute spectator. After about 20-25 minutes, the elder girl told me that I also try, and we will teach you the rest.


Both the girls were almost my age, yet I had never had a relationship with girls, so I was very hesitant. But on their repeated request, I took a racket from her and started playing like a clumsy, and both of them started laughing and making fun of me after seeing my way of playing.

being insulted by the young girls, a player in me woke up and for the next 30 minutes, I did not give them a win even once. Now both of them also understood that I had lied and that I do not know how to play badminton.

Then both girls became my close friends and all three of us became very good players by practising together and kept defeating other players by participating in inter-school competitions. And then all three of us also won many prizes in singles and combined badminton games.


Beating the girls after lying to them about your prowess was a very devious move. You beat them to a humiliating defeat, but they still befriended you. You were very fortunate there!

@theinkwell It was not that this was done under some devious move, in fact, I had said this to avoid them in a sudden situation, but when they started making fun of me, then definitely the player inside me had to come out. Yes, my friendship with both of them was very valuable to me.

I am surprised that the girls became your friends after you lied to them. I am happy for your and the fact that you all went on to win competitions together.

Wow you guys end up being friends
That's good I love it when ladies have a cordial relationship with each other

@princess-dara Many thanks for your comments. It is true that it is very nice when ladies are cordial with each other, but it was a little different here because I was a young man with them at that time, not a girl.