It was not long ago when I shared about my first few days using ListNerds and today, I needed to write a very important lesson learned.
I re-watched the ListNerds tutorials (Guide to Voting) for a few times trying to find out what I may have missed. I know there was something wrong I did because my Mail was downvoted hugely. Didn't want to repeat the same mistake so had to find out what it was and do better next time.
The tutorial mentioned that getting downvoted must not be taken personally and not a reason to quit to which I agree. It is painful to get downvoted and it was my first time and a big one.
"It's really important to note that if you get your messages downvoted it's not like you're horrible at this and you should give up. It’s going back to work on some of the things that you think you can improve upon like the subject line or the format, the call-to-actions, the general feel and the readability of the messages. And eventually, you will get some great results from it."
Quoted from ListNerds Voting Tutorial Page.
There was no specific "rules" inside the ListNerds platform of what NOT to do so I came to Hive and search articles. After reading several posts, I think I found the main reason why my Mail got downvoted.
It's a big NO to share other people's post without asking and telling them first that you are going to share it in ListNerds. I was guilty of that even if my intention was good. I didn't share just any post (I shared a great one), my mistake was not letting the post author know that I was sharing it elsewhere.
Realizing that,I had to correct it by going to the article, commenting on it informing the author that I have shared the post on ListNerds to which she replied approvingly.
That was a Nerd's mortal sin today. I shall learn more and I appreciate any further advice, suggestions or recommendations on how to do better.