in #hive-15385020 days ago


This third edition really kept me in a position of critical thinking in how to attack it but thank God I was able to make resolution within myself to approach it this way. In either ways is justified based on one's perception. Life is about taking the right risk in order to ensure that others are salvaged and moved to another level.

would I do something at all cost if it would give a positive result?

Well as far as I am concerned, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion over this. Is not everything I would like to engage myself into even though it might land on the positive side. I strongly believe that the foundation of a thing matters a lot therefore one must be careful in what he does. I like transparency and being a man of integrity hmmmm I can't just accept every thing to just go like that. I would try my best to ensure that the right thing is done.

Can I sacrifice a few to save a million?

One thing I have come to realise about life is that one must be sacrificial. You can't just be conscious of yourself alone at the expense of others instead one must be deliberate to ensure others are benefactors of any good thing. I have on several occasions given my widow's mite to people to make life palatable to them. I could remember vividly how I helped someone during my undergraduate days because of school fees and feeding challenges. I sacrificially denied myself a few I had. The little savings I kept to restock my kitchen I gave it out to enable such students to complete school fees to avoid late payment.
Even in my house on several occasions I have denied myself some meals just to ensure that my household are satisfied while I endure the hunger by filling my stomach with water.

The best achievement ever lies within the border of saving a life. He that saves a life saves Nation. What you have is someone else cry and prayer. A little support you give or render today would spark one to do more. I have been engaged into rural outreaches for a couple of years now and I can say people really gave sacrificially to ensure that other lives are touched positively. Some gave out some fairly used materials like clothes, kitchen utensils amongst several others. It doesn't take much to put smiles on someone's face rather just a sacrifice and you're there.

Is not only material things that one could give to save a million out there. I noticed that some people are stingy with their advice or counsel these days. You could also give counsel to someone which might be a moment of turning around over his or her life forever. My journey on hive today was the critical decision I had to take and presently I know how many people have been positively affected. It was a counsel from someone that became the genesis of my financial freedom today. Wow... please don't hide any good thing instead share it as freely as you receive.


Operation save others with anything you have. I believe that everyone human has something to offer that another one doesn't have therefore we need each other to carry everyone along and turn every pain to gain.


well everyone would sacrifice small amount rather then million. !

Ok thanks for the input

I think sacrifice should start from everyone, the amount or quantity of the sacrifice doesn't matter. What matters is that everyone was a part of it.

Wow insightful. Thanks so much for visiting