in #hive-15385014 days ago


The edition two comes with another interesting topic which has been a concerned for a while now. Art means different thing to different people.
We are living in a time where people give different meanings to things based on their perception and feeling.
In this post, I intend to share the two different school of thoughts on the effects and meaning of art to them.

In the previous post, I took out time and shared on the effects of music on both movie and television. Where I exhaustively discussed it's significance and how inseparable they are. Today's topic is a continuation of the first edition as far as I am concerned because it still falls within the border of art. In recent times I noticed that most of the movie being acted by Mount Zion film production is always educative and intriguing to me. There are certain actors and actresses that once I see them, it gladdens my heart and I enjoy everything they do.

Everything in the earth is either directly or indirectly work of the art. The significance of art can't be overemphasized hence it is not bad to appreciate it. The art speaks volumes of things in respective of what they are. When we don't take a close range at it then it will be difficult to fathom such relevance.

God is really good and supreme above everything else. He created everything under the surface of the earth beautiful and are made to reflect his greatness and splendor. There are certain creature or art when you see them hmmm something clicks in your mind that this is what it means or meant.
I remembered when I stumbled at the national art and culture centre in Abuja. We had the privilege to pay them visit during one of the programme. It was really a beautiful environment to behold and always wished to be or live forever.
Right from the entrance, you could see the power of nature.

We were able to check in almost all the stand carefully. Each stand was uniquely decorated fortified with different art and cultural things. Each art have what they represent. I saw a sculpture and a portrait of a a gbayi woman with a Calabash on her head. Immediately I saw it, I quickly recalled their symbols and I could relate to it. Some of our members had snapped shots at such point.
No one needed to explain which tribe the stature represents because it's obvious however there are other category of people that don't understand such until further explanation is given to them.

My thought is that people should learn to pay attention to details instead of just moving with head knowledge of what you don't know. There are deep depth one can deduce from art even in movies and other areas. If your mind or heart is not on it, you won't be able to get the meaning to its fullest. I stand with all those that quickly appreciate the beauty of art. There are free minded people who don't see anything wrong as long as it doesn't cause them pain.

Thanks so much reading and comments appreciated.


Exactly, each artwork requires attention to the details to understand its beauty.

Oh yes. Thanks so much for the input

Very few people can understand art because it is a difficult thing and only those who have good knowledge can do it. An artist who is creative will definitely give a message through his art and very few people will be able to understand it.

Thanks for this insightful input