Its becoming something else around my axis. The transition came unannounced. I sat in my sitting room discussing with my family boom everyone started scouting for a hand fan. So we have entered the heat season???? Everywhere is hot. I kept imagining the intensity of heat being experience at a moment as if one would even cook food without stove. Thats on a lighter note anyway but truly the sun is scorching.
When the weather changes like this, it is a sign of lots of things. It symbolises that rain is by the corner and any moment from now it would rain. When these signs are noticed a reasonable farmer makes sure that he goes to farm to pick logs and other debris in preparation for the farming season.
Another sign of rhis Season is that it comes with is rhe ripened of fruits. There are many fruits that produces only when the wearher is not too cold. Where as some are afraid of the weather because of the kind of insect . Its good to fumigate your environment from.all.manners.od reptiles and other deadly animals.
As human being, don't stay without drinking water because of the heat makes one to loose lots of water in the body.
Go on exercise and maintain a good diet.
Here are pictures of my activities;
@solarisfuture @cleanyourcity