Hair perosity: know more about your hair

in #hive-1745782 years ago

Hello friends and lovelies

I'd like to share my knowledge with you and I hope you find it helpful and interesting
In my quest for healthy and satisfying hair confidence , I've done some research and feel like what's knowledge without sharing it, especially since I saw that my post about hair is benefiting to some of us here, so why not🤷


Firstly let's define hair perosity, and according to my research defined it as "a measurement of the hair's ability to absorb and hold moisture. It can also be described as the indicator of how easily moisture can penetrate the hair." I hope you get the concept now? Let's simplify it
It's the rate at which your hair accepts treatments and moisture into itself and the rate it retains it and also for how long the moisture can be in the hair

Secondly, let's discuss how many types of hair perosity we have. Hair perosity can be classified into three parts

  1. Low perosity hair
  2. Medium perosity hair and
  3. High porosity hair

Let's see in details each of these hair type

Low perosity hair

The cuticle in this hair type is very tight, making moisture difficult to penetrate into the scalp, likewise once the moisture is in the cuticle it's also difficult to escape making the hair take longer to dry out. This hair type can also be difficult to dye (colouring) but the cons it has is the high chance of product build up in the hair. I hope I've done justice to this?

Medium perosity hair

The cuticle in this hair type is looser than low perosity hair which allows for steady but moderate inflow and outflow of moisture and treatment. Simply means this hair type has little to no difficulties absorbing nutrients and moisture and also retaining it, it tends to be the healthiest of all when treated with care and less exposure to UV, heat and chemical of any such, hope you're following?

High porosity hair

The cuticle in this hair type has gaps and openings
which absorbs moisture quickly and repels the moisture as quickly. Simply put, moisture passes in and out of this hair very quickly so this hair is prone to fizz, dryness and tangles also. Finds it difficult to retain moisture buh benefits from nourishment cos it absorbs nutrients fast, using more protein treatment can help lock in the moisture in this aspect, following?

Let's call this # Part one cos the post is getting longer and I knw how longer posts is, I wouldn't want to bore you also, I'll be following this up with more of my research knowledge so let me know if this was helpful, your suggestions are welcome also 🤗

want to know which category your hair belongs to? and how you can take care of your hair for the best results and more HAIRfidence?

Watch out for my blog

Thanks for reading through 😀, till next time... Hugss🤗🤗


Well I don't know unless I have some hair specialist check it for me.

It's something you can do for yourself at home, check my next post for the update