Mixed ceopping is a farming system in which you plant two or more crops on the same piece of land. This one of the system i love most because it helps to make good ise of the land. It helps varieties of food compared to mono cropping.
In my last post when i talked about my maize i said i as thinking of which crop to plant to go along side the maize. And i thought the best would be cassava and the reason is cassava is a tuber crop and it requires a long period of time before it could be harvested. Also the food goes down to the ground which makes it a deep rooted crop while the maize grow forth up and its a tap root crop which they would affect themselves while growing.
So wheneve you are planting and going for mixed cropping there are somethings one must know before benturing into it.
I would have posted this since but i got busy at work and most of my time have been eaten up by work. I have to reschedule myself so that i can be active again.