Almost everyone has experienced stress, whether it's mild stress or even severe stress, many things can lead to such an incident, whether it's work problems, love stories, and many others, many people can't handle excessive stress and it can be fatal. , maybe people like that can end up crazy, and many people can easily deal with stress in various ways, each person must have their own way of dealing with stress, common things people do include taking a vacation to one place and another. so, to be honest, I personally have also been in a phase like that, the problems that piled up made my head hurt and it felt like I could barely control my thoughts, fortunately I have my own way of dealing with it.
The way I deal with stress is fairly simple, when I'm facing a problem I don't like to stay at home, in contrast to most people who prefer to lock themselves in the room, I prefer to look for crowds to temporarily relieve the burden of thoughts that are in my head. For me, for me, when stress is caused by a problem the thing I have to do is find a way out, why don't I like to stay at home alone? Because for me silence will only be a waste of time, when my mind is stuck then I will look for someone who can provide input to solve everything that I am facing, there is no point in harboring something that can't be solved alone, get out, find someone who at least can give positive input to find a way out.
That's how I deal with stress, my advice to everyone who prefers to stay at home when there is a problem, go out and tell the right person, if you can't solve your problem alone then please talk to someone, because many people end up Suicide due to harboring problems for too long.
okay maybe that's all my discussion for this post, and thank you to everyone who has read my writing to the end, see you in the next post.