Fe de vida

in #hive-1861199 months ago

Hoy quiero ser un poco (bastante) vitalista, con cierta periodicidad viene a mi mente una frase de Nietzsche que en resumen quiere hacernos pensar sobre el cómo estamos viviendo nuestra vida, la pregunta es retorica y quizá simple, pero, es poderosa, puesto que en el caso que tuvieras que vivir tu vida una y otra vez eternamente:

¿Vivirías tal cual estas viviendo?

Detente un segundo y reflexiona, ¿Si? ¿No?, si tu respuesta es si es fabuloso, pero, en el caso que tu respuesta sea no, ¿Por qué no cambias lo que deseas cambiar? ¿Qué te detiene? Creo que reflexionar esto con cierta frecuencia me hace pensar sobre mi vida, lo que quiero hacer a futuro y lo que estoy haciendo hoy para poder lograr ese futuro deseado.

Hoy, mi publicación lleva por titulo "Fe de vida" porque quiero hacer alusión a ese extraño requisito burocrático (acá en mí país) que es solicitado en algunos procesos gubernamentales, honestamente me parece algo absurdo demostrar que estamos vivos con un documento que debe ser entregado por nosotros mismos. Es como decir: "oye estoy vivo, y lo puedes constatar porque esta escrito en este papel sellado por tal institución". Pero, la intención de esta publicación no es cuestionar procesos civiles de mi sociedad, sino, que quise quedarme con la imagen de la "fe de vida" y darle otro sentido.

Considero que para muchas personas puede ser conveniente recordar que se esta vivo, ¿te has preguntado el cómo saber que estás vivo? Y no me refiero en sentido metafísico o biológico, sino en sentido psicológico y emocional. Porque si algo tengo muy claro es que podemos vivir estando muertos, y lo digo precisamente porque hace algún tiempo me sentía de ese modo, es algo que puede pasarle a cualquier persona y las palabras de Nietzsche que he mencionado pueden ser un excelente termómetro vital.

Aun hay personas que consideran a Nietzsche un nihilista, cuando realmente era más afín con el vitalismo y desde que lo descubrí hace algún tiempo, me ha parecido una interpretación bastante loable y poética. Creo que acercarnos al vitalismo puede ser interesante, nos hace reflexionar sobre el sentido de la vida sabiendo que la vida es un sinsentido.

Cada ser humano tiene la tarea de darle sentido a su propia vida, la responsabilidad en ese ámbito es bastante personal, nadie tiene la responsabilidad de hacerme sentir bien, feliz o dichoso, al igual que nadie puede hacerme sentir triste o desanimado. No hay responsabilizar a los demás de cosas que están en nuestras manos.

La vida en su condición innata es un sinsentido, viene vacía en ese aspecto y en principio es lo que nos rodea lo que va dando sentido, edificando un somos de tal modo, pero, es necesario darnos cuenta y tomar las cosas con nuestras propias manos y deslastrarnos de eso que no deseamos para nosotros, teniendo en cuenta la máxima nietzscheana, el vivir la vida tal cual deseemos repetirla infinitas veces.

Y tú has pensando en esto ¿repetirías tu vida? o ¿acaso la vivirías de otra manera? Cuéntame en los comentarios tu opinión al respecto.

Mantente curioso!

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Faith of life...

Today I want to be a little (quite) vitalist, with certain periodicity comes to my mind a phrase of Nietzsche that in summary wants to make us think about how we are living our life, the question is rhetorical and perhaps simple, but, it is powerful, since in the case that you had to live your life over and over again eternally:

Would you live as you are living?

Stop for a second and reflect, yes, no, if your answer is yes, that's great, but if your answer is no, why don't you change what you want to change? What's stopping you? I think that reflecting on this with some frequency makes me think about my life, what I want to do in the future and what I am doing today in order to achieve that desired future.

Today, my publication is titled "Faith of life" because I want to allude to that strange bureaucratic requirement (here in my country) that is requested in some governmental processes, honestly it seems to me something absurd to demonstrate that we are alive with a document that must be delivered by ourselves. It is like saying: "hey, I am alive, and you can prove it because it is written in this paper sealed by such and such institution". But, the intention of this publication is not to question civil processes of my society, but, I wanted to keep the image of the "faith of life" and give it another meaning.
I think that for many people it can be convenient to remember that you are alive, have you ever wondered how to know that you are alive? And I don't mean in a metaphysical or biological sense, but in a psychological and emotional sense. Because if something is very clear to me is that we can live being dead, and I say this precisely because some time ago I felt that way, it is something that can happen to anyone and the words of Nietzsche that I have mentioned can be an excellent vital thermometer.

There are still people who consider Nietzsche a nihilist, when really he was more akin to vitalism, and since I discovered it some time ago, I have found it to be a quite praiseworthy and poetic interpretation. I think that approaching vitalism can be interesting, it makes us reflect on the meaning of life knowing that life is meaningless.

Each human being has the task of giving meaning to his own life, the responsibility in that area is quite personal, no one has the responsibility to make me feel good, happy or joyful, just as no one can make me feel sad or discouraged. We should not hold others responsible for things that are in our own hands.

I think that for many people it can be convenient to remember that you are alive, have you ever wondered how to know that you are alive? And I don't mean in a metaphysical or biological sense, but in a psychological and emotional sense. Because if something is very clear to me is that we can live being dead, and I say this precisely because some time ago I felt that way, it is something that can happen to anyone and the words of Nietzsche that I have mentioned can be an excellent vital thermometer.

There are still people who consider Nietzsche a nihilist, when really he was more akin to vitalism, and since I discovered it some time ago, I have found it to be a quite praiseworthy and poetic interpretation. I think that approaching vitalism can be interesting, it makes us reflect on the meaning of life knowing that life is meaningless.

Each human being has the task of giving meaning to his own life, the responsibility in that area is quite personal, no one has the responsibility to make me feel good, happy or joyful, just as no one can make me feel sad or discouraged. We should not hold others responsible for things that are in our own hands.

Life in its innate condition is meaningless, it comes empty in that aspect and in principle it is what surrounds us that gives meaning, building a we are in such a way, but, it is necessary to realize and take things into our own hands and get rid of what we do not want for us, taking into account that we do not want for ourselves.

Stay curious!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Si, es cierto. Hay que reflexionar bien sobre lo que usted nos plantea. ¿Por qué no cambiar para bien y constantemente? Yo viviría mi vida repetidamente, pero de diversas maneras para ir alcanzando lo que antes no tuve tiempo, o no pude, alcanzar. Al final, podría vivir plenamente...