Rain, Starlink Finally, PDC, Tree Climbing, The Tree That Won't Fall, Pain - Monday

in #hive-1143083 months ago

The rain has been off an on so much recently and yesterday morning it was kind of on. The storm tossed some rain our way but it took till mid morning for the heaviest part to hit.


FINALLY our replacement Starlink arrived and I was instantly working to get it installed. With the rain around I had to be damn sure no moisture was in any connection so i grabbed an old hair dryer and used it to heat the connection points and dry them out.


Soon I had the antenna mounted but had to pull the mounting arm out from the tree some to open the view a bit.


AND FINALLY we have internet again. I then went around and got everything turned on that needs the connection, like my S9 and Nerdminer.


With the internet back I went out to the tool shed and sharpened a pair of chains for the saw.


The matches didn't start until after 11 and nicely I had the antenna up and internet working in time to watch some.


With the rain just drizzling I gathered my tree gear and headed for the big dead tree at the base of the hill. It has a severe lean and there is no way I want to take the thing down as one piece.


So on went my tree spikes and up the tree I went.


I got about 20 feet up the tree to about where the lean lessened.


I had the saw tied to the rope which I then pulled up to me. I did a very small face cut as the chain was not as sharp as it should have been. Then I decided to do the back cut and got it most of the way through with the tree still standing refusing to go over.


So down teh tree I climbed and I grabbed the hammer and felling wedges then BACK up the tree where I pounded the 3 wedges into the cut but got nothing in return. So down the tree a 3rd time and I went to the wood cover to get a metal wedge and a hand sledge.


Back up the tree and I pounded the metal wedge in to the hilt but got only cracking from the tree. This is how I left it in hopes that a wind overnight would take it down for me, but as I look outside right now it is still there...


I was tore the hell up from the climbing. My knees were aching from the torque of the spikes on my lower legs. I hauled the gear back to the shed and went to rest.


Insanity watching the first period of the Stars Penguins game as the Stars got 6 goals in the first... only the 2nd time in franchise history. After dinner I managed a half hour or so in soaking but my skin is on the precipice of full freak out.


Last night sucked horse dick again. I could feel the tightness in my head and my jaw was beginning to ache so I tried to front run the major pain a bit with a muscle relaxer but I could still feel it when I went to bed. At 11pm I was woken by my jaw on fire so got up to take another muscle relaxer and after an hour was able to fall back to sleep again.

Today I get the boys to school, try to decide on a new keyboard as this one I am on is trash, the tree has to come down somehow, I have my chiro appointment this morning, if weather is okay might head up to try paragliding mid day, wood needs splitting, and then figure out dinner this evening.


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They are calling for high winds here….
Maybe eventually the storm will carry over the cascades and hopefully the wind will take your tree down!
Let us know what happens tomorrow !👍