in #hive-11060last year

People were Alighting from a bus in tears as I was about to cross to the other side of the road very close to my father's compound in the village.

They all wore sad faces in their beautiful dresses. I became curious and I asked my neighbour who also came out from the bus that dropped them off. She said "If you want to know we need to sit and talk because it's a long story.

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We all know Chief Ubanna who died many years ago and passed his family wealth to his only daughter in the village of Obiagu, Nnenna inherited a vast fortune from her parents and had built an empire of her own through her father's investments and businesses. Nnenna was known for her elegance, grace, and undeniable beauty, which made her the subject of envy and admiration among the villagers and those in town.

Despite her wealth and the countless suitors, Nnenna had never found love or companionship. She was independent and believed that marriage would only hinder her freedom and ambition. However, she had always yearned to experience the joys of motherhood and carry on her family's legacy.

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Determined to fulfil her desire for children, Nnenna embarked on a unique path. She looked out for a young, intelligent man named Michael, who possessed the qualities she looked for. After careful consideration and negotiation, Nnenna proposed a hidden arrangement to Michael. She offered him a considerable sum of money in exchange for becoming the biological father of her children, to be raised in the comfort of her home under her care.

An interesting proposition, Michael was enticed by the promises made to change his financial stability, and Michael agreed to Nnenna's offer. Over the next several years, he fathered five children for Nnenna. Each child possessed a blend of their biological parents' physical and intellectual traits, and they grew up surrounded by Wealth, receiving the best education and opportunities money could provide.

Time passed, and Nnenna's children grew into remarkable young adults. That we both have heard about. Among them was Victor, the eldest a carbon copy of his mother. He had inherited her sharp business sense and would inherit his mother's empire. They were known for their business success stories which they carried with pride.

As fate would have it, however, life took an unexpected turn. Victor found himself falling deeply in love with Adaugo, a beautiful and intelligent young woman who happened to be the daughter of Michael, his biological father. Victor's mother has never told her children the true identity of their father because many years ago her father Ubanna, made a declaration in the village saying Any child his daughter gives birth to is his first son and his children. so that gave his mother the freedom to have children out of marriage and her children bear her father's name.

Adaugo was unaware of her connection to Victor and the truth behind their shared bloodline. The two fell head over heels for each other, their connection growing stronger with each passing day. Their love was pure and sincere.

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How did Nnenna miss this hidden truth? All wedding arrangements were in place and because of her busy schedule, she asked her king's men to go for all investigations and they fixed a date for the ceremony. All dignitaries were in attendance for the beautiful marriage ceremony.
fate intervened once again and Nnenna came face to face with the true father of her children. A shocking scene that made Nnenna unconscious. Everyone was in panic and fear to lose this great woman in an event like this. she was revived back. She wiped so hard, Confronted with the truth she had kept hidden for so long, she was torn between her desire to protect her children and the overwhelming guilt that threatened to consume her.

Nnenna decided to gather her children together and share the extraordinary story of their origins. It was a revelation that shocked and overwhelmed them, as their entire world was turned upside down in an instant.

All the people who came for the event started leaving one after the other. The marriage ceremony did not hold and the two families went their separate ways.

This story made me so sad and I learnt a big lesson to always tell our children the truth about their origin.
Thanks for reading.


Often times, it can be difficult to find the right time to let someone in on something they should know. It's understandable. But, in the end, the truth had better be shared, especially early enough.

If only the children had at least know their backstory, they wouldn't have all been led up to this critical point.

This is so true, It can indeed be challenging to determine the right time to disclose important informations to families, especially when it involves a significant aspects of their life. Delaying to disclosure such information can lead to unintended consequences. It is important to speak the truth at the right time early enough, because Lies can cause more harm than good and the truth can help individuals make the right choices and avoid reaching avoidable troubles in their lives.

Oh mine, what a mother. Telling her children such an important secret would have saved the two families a lot of trouble, now they all have to start by picking up their pieces.

I feel so sad for their mother, She would feel frustrated and disappointed, it is important she manage her kids and the family with great wisdom. Moving forward, at this point in their life's, they should focus on healing, supporting one another, and finding ways to move forward. thanks for stopping by

The event did not only go wrong but also left many people on a sad note, including the two intended couples. Good enough, the truth was discovered before the main marriage, but who knows if they had any form of sexual relationship prior to that day? What a pity if they did. It's a big lesson for parents to always disclose sensitive information to their children to avoid making some terrible mistakes that they will leave with regrets for life.

A very big lesson for parents. The truth in anything we do matters alot. If only she told her children their origin this would have made them conscious of all their relationship. it's important to remember that everyone is responsible for their own actions, and mistakes can still happen even with the best of intentions. All the best to both families

Hmmmmm..... This is so sad. This is why it is not good to keep secrets most especially this type. It can cause disaster among families.

So true dear, It's important to consider the potential impact before deciding to keep or disclose a secret. Not in this type of situation, their mother was suppose to tell them the truth earlier enough to avoid the worst situation to happen. Open and honest communication is vital in maintaining healthy relationships. Am glad they now know the truth. Thanks for stopping by.

Hmm, this is lovely write -up , so many things happens in life , nice one
Thank you for sharing

You're welcome! I'm glad you found the write-up to be enjoyable. Life is indeed full of ups and downs, and we often encounter unexpected situations for our actions. Thanks for reading

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Thank you #hive-naija

Ouch... That's quite sad indeed.
A day meant to be a day to be remembered for the joyful mood it would have brought went ahead to be a day of syncope and sadness.

Even though lies could help atimes, most times it's just better we say the unadulterated truth and let our children know where they are coming from

Was a sad piece to read... I know how hard it is separating two lovers just because of other factors 😢

its a sad story and I feel your pain, it's also important to recognize that there may be situations where keeping a secret is necessary. For instance, in cases where revealing certain information could cause harm or destroy someone's life, it better to keep it as a secret than letting it out. Love would find a way back to them in their separate life's. Thanks for reading

You're welcome

Unfortunately, truth always have a way of finding itself out. I can only imagine how the couple would feel knowing they were related.

You have a wonderful way of narrating an event.

Thank you for your kind words. Indeed, the truth has a way of coming to light, with unexpected consequences. At this point, Support from friends, family, and loved ones can also play a crucial role in helping them cope with the challenges they face. Am glad you enjoyed my story. thanks for reading

Always welcome

Holding secrets can be very disastrous, there are times the children aren't of the age to know some things and when the time is right, nothing should be held back from them.

Some secrets may be very heavy and cause problems in the family which can be eventually settled but allowing things to get so bad to the point of what you shared with us can be terrible.

Holding onto heavy secrets for too long can lead to problems within the family, I would suggest we consider the long-term effects and make a thoughtful decision about when and how to share important Secrets/details, before they escalate to avoid unnecessary difficulties. Thank you for reading