After the first day she disappeared, we heard the distant meowing of a kitten, but we searched and found nothing, the next day we were already worried, because we heard the meowing, but we did not find the cat, and much less the kittens, at 10:00 pm we were getting ready to sleep when we heard the meowing as if it was coming from the combing machine, something extremely strange, because those drawers were closed and it was difficult to open them, there was nothing: 00 pm we were getting ready to sleep when I heard the meowing as if it was coming from the combing machine, something extremely strange, because those drawers were closed and it takes a little bit to open them, there was no way (or at least I thought so) that they were there, however, I decided to take a look at the drawers and my surprise was gigantic when I found Mrs. Esperancita, She had not groomed them well, as she normally does when they are born, the truth is that I doubt that she could maneuver much inside that drawer that was also full of clothes, we still don't know how she could enter through the back and pass underneath with the huge belly she had.
Of those 5 kittens, 4 are left, and so far we have them at home, my brother and I want to keep all of them, but my parents do not agree, so, most likely we will end up giving at least two for adoption, and sterilize the other two, we enjoy watching them playing with each other, and Pandy behaves like an excellent big sister, she takes care of them, plays with them, teaches them to climb trees and even to hunt, here I share with you some pictures of Pandy with one of the males we have named Tony, who is by far, the liveliest of the litter, and I love how they look together, because of the similarity they have between them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions, please leave them in the comment box, and remember, you too can make magic in the kitchen and wherever you go!
Luego del primer día desaparecida, escuchábamos el maullido lejano de un gatito, pero buscábamos y no encontrábamos nada, al día siguiente ya estábamos preocupados, pues escuchábamos el maullido, pero no encontrábamos ni a la gata, y mucho menos a los gatitos, ya entradas las 10:00 pm estábamos alistándonos para dormir cuando escuche el maullido como si viniera de la peinadora, algo sumamente extraño, pues esas gavetas estaban cerradas y cuestan un poco para abrirlas, no había manera (o al menos eso creía yo) de que ellos estuvieran allí, sin embargo, decidí darles una mirada a las gavetas y mi sorpresa fue gigante al encontrarme a la Sra Esperancita, con 5 gatitos recién nacidos, no los había aseado bien, como normalmente lo hace cuando nacen, la verdad es que dudo que pudiera maniobrar mucho dentro de esa gaveta que además estaba repleta de ropa, no sabemos aún como pudo ingresar por la parte de atrás y pasar por debajo con la panza inmensa que tenía.
De aquellos 5 gatitos, quedaron 4, y hasta el momento los tenemos en casa, mi hermano y yo queremos quedarnos con todos, pero mis padres no están de acuerdo, así que, lo más probable es que terminemos dando en adopción al menos dos, y esterilicemos los otros dos, disfrutamos verlos jugando entre sí, y Pandy se comporta como una excelente hermana mayor, los cuida, juega con ellos, los enseña a trepar en los árboles e incluso a cazar, aquí les comparto algunas fotografías de Pandy con uno de los machos que hemos llamado Tony, que es por mucho, el más vivaz de la camada, y que me encanta como se ven juntos, por la similitud que tienen entre ambos.