One thing you should know about the good wether spoiled Valencians, they don't set foot outside when it's raining outside. Valencian friends might cancel on you just on the slightest drizzle. But if there is a Mascleta at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, nothing is holding them back to get their ears shattered.
This rainy Mascletà on March 6th was set up by Pirotecnia Gironina and tons of people showed up. The rain was holding off until the 5 minute warning shot. The entire plaza was packed with people and their umbrella creating something you never get to see in normally sun spoiled Valencia.
Very smokey and eerie Mascletà and the smoke stuck for a while even after the firework creating extreme surreal mood, stuck around until the end to see it.
This video was recorded with this camera attached to this gimbal.