Autor: Francisco Marval (Fránmar).
Técnica: Acrílico/ lienzo.
Medidas: 65 cm. x 47 cm.
Marzo, 2023
Porque sé que es un interesante reto y estoy convencido de que pueden lograrlo, aprovecho la oportunidad para invitar a participar en esta dinámica creativa a los siguientes amigos: @ronaldo-santos , @menkarte, y @vezo. Recientemente, me he enterado de este ingenioso concurso, me ha motivado y, como respuesta, he puesto en marcha a los pinceles. El resultado lo pueden contemplar a continuación. Se trata de una nueva obra artística e imaginaria, titulada: "Llovizna". Esta pintura me hace rememorar a la nostalgia, a la profundidad del los pensamientos al momento de contemplar las gotas de lluvia al momento de caer en un lago por ejemplo, y sus efectos, al generar ondas, me pierdo en ese instante, en ese paréntesis de sinestesia poética, con actitud contemplativa, noble, y me relajo y recreo hasta el fin. No obstante, en esta pintura lúdica, puedo ver representadas a las ondas en cuestión: son espirales de colores , y el negro representa mi propia ausencia en el cuadrado y el círculo del tiempo. Respecto a la tendencia, esta pintura me parece que tiene una delicada mixtura, en esencia tiene características del arte óptico, de arte abstracto y conceptual. Todavía nada definido. Y eso me parece bien, porque la búsqueda de este estilo la he estado desarrollando o poniendo en práctica desde hace mucho tiempo. La verdad es que me parece que se ajusta a un ritual terapéutico, me gusta expresar con toda libertad creativa y sobre todo divertirme.
Greetings dear hivers from the Hivearte community, I am delighted to participate in the original initiative:
Because I know that it is an interesting challenge and I am convinced that they can achieve it, I take the opportunity to invite the following friends to participate in this creative dynamic: @ronymaffi , @menkarte, and @vezo. Recently, I found out about this clever contest, it has motivated me and, in response, I have started the brushes. The result can be seen below. It is a new artistic and imaginary work, entitled: "Drizzle". This painting makes me remember nostalgia, the depth of thoughts when contemplating the raindrops when they fall into a lake for example, and their effects, by generating waves, I get lost in that moment, in that parenthesis of poetic synesthesia, with a contemplative, noble attitude, and I relax and recreate until the end. However, in this playful painting, I can see the waves in question represented: they are colored spirals, and the black represents my own absence in the square and circle of time. Regarding the trend, this painting seems to me to have a delicate mixture, in essence it has characteristics of optical art, abstract and conceptual art. Still nothing defined. And that seems good to me, because I have been developing or putting into practice the search for this style for a long time. The truth is that it seems to me that it adjusts to a therapeutic ritual, I like to express myself with all my creative freedom and, above all, have fun.
Secuencia fotográfica del proceso creativo de la pintura.
As can be seen in the image, the first thing I have done is to design a geometric approach on the surface of a canvas with a marker. Basically, a couple of rectangles were used to draw an X and find a central point, to then draw two concentric circles, and in this way, I had already solved the idea, because from the center, precisely, I drew a freehand spiral, with a brush and acrylic ink, from which I later added "extensions or details". What I pursued was to establish a more or less symmetrical balance on the entire surface...
At this point in the work, I had already proceeded to paint...
The choice of colors was practically spontaneous, almost without judging, and without setting limits I was adding new nuances to the palette....
The idea was to play with the degradations and make the forms more complex without losing harmony and simplicity, as the colors merged, without the intention of contradicting the luck of chance or the course that the liquid paint was taking. And once the entire surface was covered, I was ready to close the edges with the line that started it all.
Fránmar creative task, a photographic moment for all of you.
Title: "Drizzle"
Author: Francisco Marval (Franmar).
Technique: Acrylic / canvas. Measurements: 65 cm. x 47cm. March, 2023
Thank you for reading, see you soon, I wish you all the best.