Serfdom & Sorcery Game Updates

in #psyberx11 months ago

Hello everyone.
Hoping you are all in good health and in great shape.

This is gonna be my 2nd entry regarding the Serfdom & Sorcery game.
For those that do not have any idea or haven’t heard what it is…read below…

Serfdom & Sorcery

Screenshot_20231024-144659_Kiwi Browser.jpg

It is a role-playing game (RPG) that uses Doubloon (DBLN) as its utility token. There are three governance token that will be employed in the game… TERRA, SEA and AIR. Terra is released earlier among the other two and have some uses already within the game while the former and the latter are still in the works.

You will learn some info about Terra as you go through this writing.

As far as I knew, this game is the first HIVE Game played via Discord. It’s basically free to play and play to earn, but of course, the earnings will be somehow minimal in this stage. One would need to spend some if they want to earn a sizable amount during their journey in this game.

Now that we have a rough idea of what it is, what is next?
Well, to play the game, one needs to register himself…or her, in the game first.
To play, aspirants need to go here to register... or in any Discord server that had already onboarded the game for that matter.

Lots of things have changed since its inception several months ago. More commands were added, maximum player levels increased, cooldown times adjusted, staking and staking rewards and withdrawal limits and taxes imposed implemented, buildings introduced, different perks released governance token released and many more

You will get to learn all of these as you progress in the game.

Lets discuss some changes or progress within the game ecosystem.

Limited edition NFT’s

There were NFT’s that were released to help the players to progress further in the game. Each NFT is priced at 50Hive.
Buying more weapon/armor NFT allows a player to meld them into single weapon and obtain a more powerful weapon.
Look below to see how the NFT’s are categorized

Dragon’s Decree1+25atk
Quantum’s Edge10+85atk
Nebula Ironclad1+25def
Celestial Vanguard10+85def
Wyvern’s Whisper1+15atk/def
Serpent’s Secret5+45atk/def

The attack NFT's above can be dual-wield while the defense NFT's cannot.

Additionally, there were NFT’s that were specifically created and given to players upon reaching a certain milestone.
The following NFT’s are described below.

NFTAttributesMilestone Reached
Prometheus’s Prophetic Plate+600defFirst 10 layers with 10m tokens staked
Obelisk Ring+100atk/+100defFirst 3players to reach Level 500
Singularity Ring+1500/+1000defGiven to a single player that is first to reach Level 1000

Increasing of Highest Level a Player can reach

Below is a breakdown of the levels from lowest to highest
Players play and attack monsters of increasing difficulty to level their accounts up. Note that the more players reach Kings status, the monsters are programmed to slightly become more difficult…knowing this, some payers race to Kings status so they don’t get left behind and be the only ones to battle a monster with increasing difficulty. Furthermore, jobs within the S&S Sphere requires a certain a level to be unlocked by any player… So the only way is to increase a player’s level.
Below is the updated table ok player’s ranks based on the level they attained.

SerfsLevel 1-5PeasantsLevel 6-13
KnightsLevel 14-33BaronsLevel 34-60
DukesLevel 61-99KingsLevel 100-499
AngelicLevel 500-1000Celestial1001 up

Once you have reached Celestial rank, you can now finally rest your numbed fingers from attacking and slaying monster… That’s what I thought too. 🤣🤣🤣
After reaching the top, players are given the opportunity to Ascend. This means they will start all over again… but retaining all the stats and jobs they attained during the previous journey. Ascended players can breeze it through lower levels and reach higher levels again in no time.

Staking, Withdrawal and Taxes

Staking offer various rewards. One being able to receive huge potions in relation to the maximum reward pool and amount of tokens staked in-game. This means the higher a player’s staked tokens the more the potions he will receive on a day-to-day basis. Some cooldowns are reduced based on the amount staked, too. Now, for those players that are able to claim the Prometheus’s Prophetic Plate= +600def the plates defense stat is increased even more to a certain degree when the staked tokens is increased even more.
One more benefit of staking DBLN in-game is it’s tied-up to how much a player can withdraw.

Withdrawal amount is linked to how much a player has staked tokens in-game. Kindly refer to the guide below:

Staked TokensWithdrawable AmountStaked TokensWithdrawable Amount
Less than 100k
Less than 500k
Less than 800k
Less than 1m
Less than 5m
5m and up
unlimited amount

Now that we have covered the withdrawal limits imposed based on a payer’s staked tokens, let us now discussed the tax that is implemented in the game.

Withdraw AmountTaxWithdraw AmountTax
Less than10k30%Less than 100k25%
Less than 250k20%Less than 500k15%
Less than 1m10%More than 1m5%

Buildings Introduced

The ranches were introduced in the ecosystem. They cost 100k DBLN and pays 1k DBLN daily. At 40ranches, they can be combined by !conjurecitadel command which will transform them into Seedling Citadels which will then give a daily drop of 50k DBLN. Additionally, 5Seedling Citadels can then be merged into an Acropolis by using the command !greenfortress. Once merged, they will then be able to give daily drops of 300k DBLN.

Aside from the increase of tokens received by players owning these items, they give Emerald Drake and Emerald Dragon, respectively, which is a great help in slaying monsters. The Emerald Drake gives additional 10% to attacks dealt by the player while the Emerald Dragon gives a double attack boost…and they stack… meaning the attack bonus is multiplied by how many of these items a player owns.

Pets Introduced into the Game

Different type of pets are introduced into the game and any player can choose one among them. Currently, they do not have uses in the game but hoping that progress is in the works. From time to time, I can see players leveling up their pets and has such became a hot topic at some point.
The pets that can be acquired is listed below:

  • Hydraling – costs 700k. Single and tiny headed creature known for regenerative abilities. More heads emerges as this beast grows.
  • Taurcalf – costs 700k. small and sturdy beast with natural affinity to mazes. Their strength and resilience becomes legendary as they mature
  • Cyclopet – costs 700k. a single-eyed beast with keen vision and immense potential strength.
  • Unifoal – costs 550k. small horned beast, known for their purity and grace. As these beast grows, their magical abilities become unparalled
  • Zombito – costs 600k. tiny, relentless, have insatiable hunger. As they grow, their resilience and strength become a force to be reckoned with.

!beastadoption – a command any player can use to summon and purchase any beats of their choosing.

In addition to the pets above, some pets of different rarities can be caught by using nets. These pets will be used in battling in the arenas. A player must use net to catch these pets.
!makenet – used to craft a net of different strength relative to the amount of materials used, uses certain amount of wood and wool


!catchpet – used to catch pets with different rarities
!managepets – lets your pet be trained or converted into souls to strengthen another pet you have caught

I may have missed some newly added command here so keep an eye out for other commands regarding pets.

These beasts will surely grace the battlefield/arenas someday soon.

Perks released

  • Prometheus’s Prophetic Plate – see Limited Edition NFT’s
  • Obelisk ring – see Limited Edition NFT’s
  • Singularity Ring – see Limited Edition NFT’s
  • Darkness of Reflection – given to players who bought 3NFT during NFT sale (reduced cooldown to wardog and wolf)
  • Miner’s Geed – given to players who bought 6NFT during NFT sale (no energy consumption and reduced cooldown on mining)
  • Sentinel’s Vigilance – given to players who bought 30NFT during NFT sale. (immunity to wardog and steals).
  • Balrog – given to players who bought 30NFT during NFT sale. Used to attack players
  • Sovereign’s Blessing – given to players who bought 50NFT during NFT sale.
  • Baby Golem – see Introduction of Governance Token below
  • Mini Golem – see Introduction of Governance Token below
  • Colossal Golem - see Introduction of Governance Token below
  • Rawk - see Introduction of Governance Token below
  • Stalagmite Spell - see Introduction of Governance Token below

Introduction of Governance Token

TERRA, SEA and AIR are the three governance tokens employed or used in the game.
We'll only discuss Terra for now as the other two are not yet fully released or still in the works.

TERRA is the first governance token introduced. There was a total of 50k terra tokens minted. Staking them in-game will give certain benefits which will be discussed below.

  • Staking benefits:

20Terrait turns raven and wolf into Stone Raven and Stone Wolf which will bring in almost 3x the loot a normal raven or wolf does does
50Terraby staking this amount of Terra, you will be given a Baby Golem which will be helpful in slaying a monster. It accumulates its own experience every time a player attacks, thus it levels up the more a player uses it. A player will also have the ability to cast protection to any player he/she wishes to. The protection last an hour and can be casted to any player again every 30minutes., !caststoneguard (1hour, 30min cd)
100Terraby staking this amount of Terra in-game you will automatically receive a mini-golem that can be used to attack other players. No amount of protection can shield a player from this beast
200Terraby staking this amount of Terra in-game you will automatically receive a colossal golem that can be used to attack other players. This works like a mini-golem but yields the owner more tokens and deals more damage to the one receiving the attack.
350Terrastaking this amount of Terra in-game enables a player to send RAWK (!sendrawk) which brings forth purely huge and gargantuan potions. The numbers they deliver vary and they can be sent every 5hours
500Terrastaking this huge amount of Terra in-game enables a player to a certain perk wherein there is a 25% chance of casting the Stalagmite Spell where it impales the target and do 5times the regular damage a player normally deals. Galleon is also given to players with this much amount of staked Terra.
1000Terrastaking this huge amount of Terra enables a player to receive a Sea Fortress. What it does is currently being developed same as the Galleon earlier.
  • Governing rights:

Owning and staking a certain amount of Terra also allows a player to have a governing rights based on the number of Terra staked. Below is the breakdown of the rights received by the amount of Terra staked.

Peasant plots1-10Basic Land ownership, ability to build small dwellings. Basic voting rights on local community matters
Knight Keeps11-50Ability to build fortified homes, small-scale mining rights and access to local trade routes. Enhanced voting rights including regional matters. Eligibility to join knightly orders and participate in regional tournaments
Baron’s Bastions51-699Land cultivation on a larger scale, ability to establish markets, and grant land to peasants. Voting rights on provincial matters and influence over trade regulations. Access to exclusive trade deals and diplomatic missions
Count’s Counties700+Ability to establish towns, collect taxes, and oversee local governance. Significant influence over regional policies, defense strategies and infrastructure projects. Eligibility to host regional events and festivals
Duke’s Dominion900+Sovereignty over vast territories, ability to establish cities and control major trade routes. Major influence over continental policies, alliances and war strategies. Access to royal councils, eligibility to establish universities and host international events
King’s Kingdoms1000+Rule over vast regions, establish capital cities and form armies. Paramount influence over all aspects of the continent, from diplomacy to economics. Eligibility to form alliances with other kingdoms, host royal events and establish global trade routes

SEA is the second governance token minted with 50k total minted. All players that has staked Terra in-game until October 15, 2023 are eligible to receive SEAtokens with a 1:1 ratio. The benefits for holding and staking SEA tokens is yet to be disclosed other than the Galleon and Sea Fortress which uses and functions is yet to be disclosed either.

AIR is the third governance token released with a planned 10k total tokens to be minted. This token is exclusively tradeable with $DBLN at a rate of 300k each.

That much info is disclosed so far for the three governance tokens for this game. Many benefits surely awaits the holders and stakers in the coming days...

Now that we're done with the Governance Token, let us now proceed to the other important aspect of the game which is also constantly updated...


There were several commands for endless tasks in the game. I will break them down into several categories. Refer to the guide below

!depositallows a player deposit $DBLNtokens via Hive Engine
!wdepositallows a player deposit $DBLNtokens via Wax Chain
!depositterraallows a player deposit $TERRAtokens via Hive Engine
!stake (amount)allows a player $DBLNtokens in-game
!staketerra (amount)allows a player $DBLNtokens in-game
!withdrawallows a player withdraw $DBLNtokens via Hive Engine
!wwithdrawallows a player withdraw $DBLNtokens via Wax Chain
!beginunlockallows a player to unlock all staked tokens ($DBLN). Unstaked tokens will be received after 30days. All perks or reward prior staking will be halted once this command is executed. Note: Terra and Sea tokens cannot be unstaked yet

Being a game means there bounds to be items that will either be purchased or collected by a player by any means. Below are some game items that can be purchased using the utility tokens ($DBLN) or thru some in-game material. Kindly look at the table below.

Commands to purchase/sellPrice
!addlabtohovel900k tokensadd an alchemy lab to a player’s hovel to collect a percentage of all healing purchases in 24hour period. The price increase 100k tokens for every 10players that availed this item. Use !collectpotionsales to collect earnings
!buyanvil100k tokensan item that enable a player to earn a 5% share of all pickaxe sales in a 24hour period. Use !smith to collect earnings
!buybestiary50k tokensan item required from players to enable purchases of different animals like cows and wolves. Unlocks at Level 20.
!buyboat300woodsan item that works in conjunction with the fishingpoles to further increase the likelihood of catching bigger fishes or sea creatures.
!buycow7.5k tokensallows a player to purchase maximum of 10cows. Ex. !buycow0, !buycow 9. Use !milkcow to collect earnings. Ex. !milkcow 1, !milkcow 5
!buydaggerwood 25k, stone 30k, steel 350k, quicksilver 1.2mallows a Pilager class to buy a dagger that increases amount of stolen tokens. Upgradable thru !forgedagger command
!buydragonegg10k tokensallows a player to purchase one dragon egg per castle. Requires a castle
!buyfishingpolewood-15k silver-100k gold- 1m tokensan item which gives a player higher chances of catching bigger fishes. Price vary depending on material construction.
!buyforge1k tokensallows a player to buy a forge. An item of great necessity to be had in the game to upgrade tools
!buyhammeriron - 5k, steel - 7.5k, diamond - 15k tokensan item used by Combat Expertise which is comparable to Nature’s scythe. Ex. !buyhammer iron
!buyhexmaterial500tokensbuys hexmaterial (herbs) from stockpile)
!buymegfarm100k tokensallows a player to purchase one megafarm per castle. Requires a castle. Gives 5k per day per megafarm
!buypasture250k tokensallows a player to earn a portion from all cow purchases and healing. Use !cultivate to collect earnings
!buypickaxewood – 1k, stone – 2k, iron – 3k, steel – 5k, diamond – 15k, mithril – 40k, unobtanium – 100kan item used to mining tokens. Higher material of pickaxe has higher chance of yielding higher amount of tokens and a lower break chance percentage. Ex. !buypickaxe wood. Use !mine to collect tokens
!buypotionsmall – 125tokens, medium – 325tokens, large – 800, huge, gargantuan – 5k tokens, revive – 1k tokensallows a player to purchase different sizes of potions or a revive potion. Ex. !buypotion small or !buypotion revive
!buyraven146k tokensallows a player to purchase a maximum of two raven for collecting tokens and potions (small, med, large)
!buyscythecopper -4k, steel– 5500, titanium – 10k tokensan item used by Nature Expertise to increase harvest output .Ex. !buyscythe copper
!buysheep50k tokensallows a player to purchase maximum of 5sheeps. Costs 50k tokens. Ex. !buysheep 0, !buysheep 4. Use !sheersheep to collect earnings. Ex. !sheersheep 0, !sheersheep 4
!buysteel500tokensallows a player to purchase steel in stockpile
!buywardog100k tokensallows a Pilager Expertise to purchase a wardog. Level requirement is level 20 to use wardog
!buywood500tokensallows a player to purchase wood in stockpile
!buywool125tokensallows a player to purchase wool in stockpile
!buywolf400k tokensallows a player to purchase a wolf that gathers potions. Can be named.
!buildminingcomplex500wood/steelallows a player to own a mining complex that earn tokens every hour
!buildsailboat200wood, 1000woolallows a player to upgrade his boat. The !harpoon command is unlocked and is used to catch higher yielding sea-creatures.
!claimthrone10m tokensallows a player to purchase a castle
!equipcannon500steelallows a player to install cannons in his sailboat up to a maximum of 6cannons
!upgradeforgeLvl 1 – 10k, Lvl 2 – 30k, Lvl 3 – 50k, Lvl 4- 100k, Lvl 5 – 300k, Lvl 6 – 600k tokensallows to increase the level of forge for higher level equipment upgrades
!sellhexmaterial20tokenssells hexmaterial(herbs) from the stockpile
!sellsteel150tokenssell steel resources to stockpile
!sellwood150tokenssell wood resources to stockpile

Now that we are through on the marketing side of the game, let us now look on various PvE and PvP Commands that can be used in the game

PvE Commands
!quest3hourscan be executed to defeat a specific monster which gives higher reward due to increased difficulty of monster
!attackused to attack a monster that gives token and xp after killing it
!boatattackattack sea monsters. Equivalent of !attack command. Requires a sailboat and cannon
!scavenge30minused to look for resources or tokens. You can lose tokens and hp as well
!forage30minused to look for resources or tokens. You can lose tokens and hp as well
!hunt20minsee Free Commands
!scoutahead30minsee Free Commands
PvP Commands
!barrage1hrattacks a player using cannon
!colossalgolem30minsee Terra Staking Benefits
!fromtheshadows1hrrequires a Balrog (perk from 30NFT)
!gethim10minrequires constable job. Unlocks at player level 10. Catches a thief making them pay for their wrongdoings
!miniearthgolem20minsee Terra Staking Benefits
!reignoffire5hoursrequires a dragon
!sickem15minrequires a wardog. Pilager expertise-specific command
!steal3minrequires a dagger. Used to steal tokens from unprotected player
!witherwheat1hourrequires a Bakersman job. Steals grain from farm-owners used for making bread

Additionally, there were some commands that anyone can use from the start. Most without any requirements at all while some requires a little increase in level.

Free CommandsCooldownDescription
!fish1hrallows a player to catch different sea creature from a dead fish to a leviathan depending on one’s luck. Luck can increased if equipped with boat/sailboat and fishing poles. These are not free. Cooldown can be reduced by the type of fishing pole used.
!harvest2minNature expertise command to collect tokens
!hunt30minused collect tokens. You can get attacked too and loose hp and tokens
!panforgold5minallows a player to pan for a very rare material which is, of course, gold
!snakeoilcart5minallows pilagers to sell snakeoil to naïve passers by
!visit_shamanonce a daycan be used once a day. Gives min. 300hp to max 10k hp depending on player levels. Cooldown is reduced by the value of staked tokens.
!hexmaterial1hrallows pilager expertise to gather herbs for crafting atk or def potions. Also used for converting pets to soul.
!scoutahead30minused to scout for tokens or potions. You can lose hp and tokens sometimes too. Requires level 10 to unlock
!statsshows basic stats of a player
!hitlistshows inactive players with the most tokens in their wallets
!inventoryshows inventory and full statistics of a player

We will now discuss the jobs that can be taken by any players. Some of this jobs are Expertise-specific while most requires a certain level.

JobsCommand or Level RequirementCooldownDescrition
BakersmanLevel 200allows a player to steal grain from farm-owners for making bread
!sellbreadsells bread to the stockpile for 100tokens each
!givebreadgive another player a bread for their consumption
!buybreadused to buy bread from stockpile for 400tokens each
!eatbreadused to eat bread to gain 20 energy
!breadstiruses 10grains to make 1loaf of bread
!witherwheat1hrsee PvP Commands
BrewmasterLevel 25brews and sells beer for energy in exchange of tokens
!collecthopsused to collect hops for brewing a beer
!brewbeerused to brew a beer using 100tokens and some hops. Hops requirement decreases with level
!sellbeersell a beer to any player. Needs interaction between buyer and Brewmaster
ConstablesLevel 10these are the players that can catch a thief and make them pay for their crimes
!gethim10minsee PvP Commands
Fishermanno level requirementRequires a sailboat. Allows a player to go on a !seavoyage
!seavoyage1hrfor fisherman, search the high seas for riches, danger and fish
HealerLevel 25heals any player for tokens. Only small and large heals available
!smallheal30minheals 80 life points of a player. Ex. smallheal @(name of player)
!largeheal2hrheals 250 life points of a player. Ex. largeheal @(name of player)
LumberjackLevel 10Nature expertise job for collecting woods
!chop1hrLumberjack command for collecting woods
SteelsmithLevel 10Combat expertise job for collecting steel
!refine1hrSteelsmith command for collecting steel
TemplarLevel 70any player can choose this job. Can offer protection to any player…for free
!protectionward5hroffers protection for 10hours from attacks like steal and wardog

Potion is an important aspect of the game too. It can either be bought or collected using certain game items. Below is the table on which you can see how they are collected by in-game items.

Potion-gathering CommandsCooldown
requires a raven. Gather small to large potions. Cooldown can be reduced based on staked tokens**
works the same as raven, but more expensive and lesser cooldown
acts like a raven but only gathers huge and gargantuan potions

Lastly, the player’s health point is lost either thru using PvE and//or PvP Commands. To continue playing, one must use the collected potions in order to restore a lost hp. Some items get sick and gets broken as well. Check the guide below.

!fixcomplexes15steelrepairs broken mining complexes with steel
!healcow350tokenstakes your cow to the shaman for healing
!healsheep100tokenstakes your sheep to the shaman for healing.
!heal <small, med, large, or reviveheals a portion of health based on the type of potion used

Please always keep in mind that though I tried to list all the possible commands I knew and seen being used over and over again, I may have missed something. Always keep an eye out especially for those newly created commands.

There is also new energy system employed in the game...this means that almost all commands will be requiring a certain amount of energy usage everytime a player uses...remember to always check your energy...
This energy system restricts a lot of players from spamming commands so spend your energy wisely... I wished to have included commands that uses energy here but lacking significant paired with very slow net connections make me unable to do so...

Energy system will be posted some other time.

That is all for today from me...
Hoping this list of commands is able to help anyone in one way or another.

On a side note, here are other projects currently being fine-tuned within the game. It will offer another thrilling adventure for all gamers alike. Cave Exploration is one for example.

To go cave exploring, one needs only execute !explorecave and pay 15k tokens as an entrance fee. Once inside, you will mostly be given max of three choices while exploring. Once the choices are laid-out, the answer must be selected quickly, else your exploration ,might suddenly stop and you are back at the entrance again. Granite and ores can be found inside the cave which is also considered a rare material which will be used to construct a ballista. A ballista is a weapon which can repel dragon attacks.

Currently, one the rarest of rare NFT is inside the cave but being extremely rare, no one has found it yet.

Who gets to capture the first Cerberus, I wonder...
Until then... keep playing...

Thank you for reading...



Thanks for info Fraz, I am sure our community will appreciate your efforts.

Nice! !PIMP

Aw man @justgl247, you are out of PIMP to slap people.
Go Stake some more and increase your PIMP power.
(We will not send this error message for 24 hours).


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

The article was well-written and engaging, keeping me interested from start to finish. Strands NYT

I love how games unblocked games 6x can enhance creativity and imagination!