in #hive-1413593 years ago

Interesting post, @flipflopcrypto. As a 🇳🇿 New Zealander myself, I found your comparison of our economy to that of 🇻🇳 Vietnam very compelling ... and a little confronting too. It is quite true though that, technically, both countries are what are essentially known as Third World countries. According to this article, ...

"The term Third World was originally coined in times of the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither aligned with the West (NATO) nor with the East, the Communist bloc. Today the term is often used to describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia/Oceania."

Upvoted & Commented.


My sincere apologies. I never meant to confront, but my intentions were just to inform. I have many New Zealanders as great friends even on the Hive.

However, I sincerely hope that people wake up to the fact and start treating one another appropriately and together fight climate change.

!PIZZA for love and peace!

No need to apologise, I meant "confronting" in a positive sense, as in, challenging preconceived notions. It is always good to have our preconceptions challenged once in a while, otherwise we can get complacent.

That's why I love Nzlders. Viva la NZ, Viva la Jacinta (hope u voted for her) hahaha

"hope u voted for her"

Yes, I did. She has been a very capable leader through some very trying times.

She's one of my favorite - Globally. To me, she sits on the same par as Margeret Tatcher - the only difference is. Jacinta is way way cooler!

True leader of the people!