’"Café Fulanos: a unique experience to enjoy a high-quality coffee." / Cáfe fulanos una experiencia Unica para beber un buen cafe de altura.

in #hive-1525243 months ago




Some places are magical, and this is one of them. I have previously written about Café Fulanos at the branch in downtown San Salvador, but today we visited the branch in the western wing, located in Ciudad Merliot. This location offers a different experience from the one previously described.

First, its retro design—meaning old-fashioned—filled with vintage instruments such as horse saddles, and no less important, the equipment used for processing our beloved golden grain.

We found a roaster and a grinder in perfect condition so that visitors can learn a little about the coffee production process, as well as instruments that are usually part of a coffee plantation. This equipment has been beautifully arranged in a place like this to create a comfortable and cozy environment, ideal for sharing a cup of coffee with a good friend or having a business meeting.

Additionally, it offers a wide variety of coffee methods, such as French press, mocha, vacuum, espresso, and all the usual options. The menu is quite extensive, and there is a coffee extraction machine so you can enjoy your favorite drink. There is also a wide selection of desserts to accompany your beverage, so here you have a beautiful space to appreciate and enjoy an exquisite international-class coffee in a coffee plantation atmosphere, without having to travel long distances.

The prices are normal for this type of beverage and venue, ranging from $1.00 for the most basic coffee to $5.00 for completely sophisticated drinks like a macchiato, for example—prices that are in line with market standards.

Something of utmost importance is their dishware; it features an antique design made of clay or covered earthenware, which will make you feel like you’re in a coffee plantation from many years ago.

In this place you can buy some souvenirs for your family, for example a pound of coffee grains or coffee blender, ready to prepare a great coffee Bolddrink.

Thank you for visiting! Remember to use your own material, including photos.

























Algunos lugares son magicos y Este es uno de ellos, antes ya he escrito sobre cafe fulanos la sucursal del Centro de San Salvador, pero hoy visitamos la sucursal del ala occidental, ubicada en ciudad merliot, esta agencia brinda una experiencia diferente a la antes descrita.

Primero su diseño retro, es decir antiguo lleno de instrumentos de la vieja escuela como monturas de caballo, y no menos importante, la indumentaria del procesamiento de nuestro amado grano de oro.

Encontramos una tostadora y una moledora en perfectas consicuones para que los visitantes conozcan una pequeña parte del proceso cafetalero, asi como instrumentos que usualmente son parte de una finca cafetalera, indumentaria que ha sido bellamente acompdada en un Lugar como este para convertirlo en un Lugar comodo y acogedor, ideal para compartir una taza de cáfe con un buen amigo o para tener una reunión de negocios.

Además cuenta con métodos de cafe bastante amplios, como prensa Francesa, mocca, vacuum, expresso y todos los usualmente conocidoa, menú bastante amplio y máquina de extracción de cáfe para que puedas degustar la bebida de tu predilección, tambien se cuenta con una amplia variedad de postres para acompañar la bebida, así que aqui lo tienes un espacio bastante hermoso para apreciar, beber un exquisito cáfe de clase internacional, en UN ambiente de finca cafetalera, sin moverte ni desplazarte grandes distancias.

Los precios son los normales para este tipo de bebidas y eapacios, van desde us$1.00 por El cáfe más básico hasta los us$5.00 para bebidas completamente sofisticadas como un macchiato sabotizado por ejemplo, precios que estàn de conformidad a los estandares del mercado.

Algo de suma importancia son sus vajillas, las mismas son de un diseño antiguo hechas en barro o arcilla recubierta, lo que hara que te sientas en una finca cafetalera, como hace muchisimos años.

Gracias por la visita recuerden material propio fotos incluidas.






@galberto what a pleasure it gave me to see that in the Fulano coffee there was a roaster and grinder, in Old Havana El Café Escorial has them, but no longer uses them, before we could buy ground coffee as well, while we had our cup of coffee and the view of the surroundings.

Yeah this roaster and grinder, are very great when people coming, to this place enjoyed a great coffee and a little of history, la habana ehhh I hope one day visit your country, it would be great place to see, habana vieja and varadero could be great.
Thanks for coming.

You are welcome friend @galberto Cuba is very nice and friendly, besides we are all members of @hivecuba to support you. 🤗🌹

Thanks a lot.

Hey there!

A big Welcome to Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community.gif

A virtual coffee shop, a warm community!

The Coffee Team

The Coffee Goddess-3.jpg

Thanks a lot.

What a beautiful place you show us on this day. The photos are wonderful, especially the ones of the grinder and toaster.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good day.

Thanks a lot to you for coming to see the report yes it is great see a beautiful place to drink coffee.

Uu I really love the decor on this one! Love the earthiness of it, seems like a lovely place to have your coffee :)

Yeah the coffee was really great in a place like this, thanks for coming.

Me antojé al ver el café , en la tarde hay un evento en el centro comercial cerca a mi casa , compraré uno así y un pastel de queso .
Un abrazo amigo mío , decidí quedarme en el panel .