Edit ⬇️ $30 until 3K Watch!
End Edit*
Took a drive to a farm 30 mo it’s away to get some organic food and raw milk! Talking markets and checking out the scenery.
🎙️Mid-Week Market Vlog 🎙️
- Nature Drive
- Gold 3K Incoming
- Silver & Dollar
- Hive & Bitcoin
Finally got a 24 hour move double on a stock play! ⬇️
A buddy suggested EDIT at $75.00 three years ago. I put on watch list and bought randomly at $1.50 and sold few days later for a double basically. Kept a small amount that’s house money. It’s a Casper type play (Gene Editing). Just got lucky buying when I saw cap went below 100 million and caught almost bottom before a move from $1.12 to $3.29 in 9 days.
⬇️ After Market Price Check ⬇️